It's Free Market of Bust!
Karl Schilling
Karl Schilling is Author of Middle Class Millioniare... helping financial services professionals build 7 Figure incomes.
We watch as one of the political parties embraces Marxism publicly. No more hidden agenda, just put it right out in the open. Price controls is the latest idea from that party. They are also the geniuses who brought you the $20 minimum wage for fast food workers. Price controls are another brilliant idea that has never worked. It is an idea straight out of the Marxist play book. Look, no one needs to be an economic genius, it's common sense. If you pressure big corporations to lower prices (which they have zero control over anyway) the people who suffer are the middle class. Small businesses suffer as the big box stores lower prices and shut the small stores out forever. This BS would create monopolies and make competition non existent. It is competition that promotes a free market and keeps prices competitive. The present price difficulty is due to a very poor energy policy, period. When energy costs run amok, everything becomes more expensive. Transportation costs more, distribution costs more, cost of goods go up, and understand that corporations have never ever decided to eat increased costs. They have always transferred costs to the market place. Corporations execute one of two plans. They cut back work force to lower costs or they increase pricing to pass on the increases to the consumer. Sometimes they do a bit of both. Thus workers lose jobs and consumer prices rise. This is what has happened over the past 3.5 years.
While you definitely feel this everyday, the real threat is hidden. No one discusses that threat. Presently the US holds approx $35T in debt, and each month 76% of the tax revenue generated has to pay down the interest on that debt. That is an oncoming Tsunami of economic pain. Another apparent secret is the demise of the dollar which is being led by China. In the last 6 months 4 coutries have stopped using the dollar as the reserve currency, this has created a black market of sorts where China, Iran and Russia discount Oil to one another. (China is now wooing Saudia Arabia into this group). This is done without US currency involved and thus you have our enemies enriching themselves while draining economic value from US. In my content for over 6 years now, I warned about China pegging their currency to a gold standard. (Now, it's being publicly discussed). This would be a severe blow to the US dollar.
With all that said, as a middle class citizen you have to protect your assets. You probably have two assets at great risk. One is your home equity and the second is your qualified retirement plan (401k, IRA, and other types of ERISA plans). At the moment your home equity is a decreasing bank account as it is tied to the housing market. It's simple to take control of that and get now while you can. (There are many great strategies to take this capital and create tax advantaged income, capital appreciation and profitable exit strategy)
Your qualified retirement plan is basically an asset for Uncle Sam. Your partner the US government will be glad to control your retirement funds. They can do so by regulations and taxes. And they will! Presently there is approx $40T in these retirement plans. Remember the US debt is almost $35T. Once again it is simple to take control of this asset and get it now while you can. (There is a strategy to take control of these funds without any present taxes, this will also create tax advantaged income, capital appreciation, profitable exit strategy plus tax free liquidity, tax free income, generational wealth, tax free liquidity for critical, chronic and terminal illness.)
As you know I call this the bet on yourself plan. It's market place title is the Middle Class Millionaire Plan. All I can say is I have been like John the Baptist in the wilderness for the last 7 yrs. Those who have heeded this message are fully inoculated and insulated from any of the future economic Tsunami. As the saying goes, it is better to light a candle than curse the darkness.
Motivational speaker on topics of current importance like innovation, research design and thesis writing. Professor with 35 years of experience in commerce and management studies.
6 个月Economic theory dealing with factor endowment, demand and supply, consumption and pricing, inflation, deflation and stagflation , financial policies of saving, investment and returns etc have been subject to the perils of natural calamities like global warming and man-made destruction in the form multifaceted wars among nations. Nothing is predictable with precision and accuracy.
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6 个月Great Must Read Article!