"IT'S FAR, I CAN'T DO THIS....BUY OR INVEST IN LAND HERE", say most indigenous and/or potential local Zambian land buyers and/or investors! WHY? Because many of them DO NOT have the foresight and business acumen of professional real estate investors such as for instance the late Executive Chairman of Galuania Farms Limited namely Michael Cecil Galaun!
You see, Michael Cecil Galaun was a visionary and/or forward looking agricultural/real estate investor, who believed in acquiring and owning huge tracts of land in areas where many Zambians at that time thought wasn't necessary and therefore never made economic sense to acquire and own such land in such far-flung areas. Many Zambians at that time never really believed in the REAL and/or ACTUAL FUTURE VALUE of land going forward. Whereas for him, he had a totally distinctive perspective of the real and/or actual future value of land regardless of where the said land was situated in the growing and developing Greater City of Lusaka at the time!
And many years later, after assessing the vital economic factors (discussed herein>>>https://bit.ly/3KuyswN<<< in greater detail) that help drive real estate values high, he was able to cash in massively on part of his huge land via a joint venture with a local real estate development company thus confirming what Mark Twain once said:
“Don’t Wait to Buy Real Estate. Instead, Buy Real Estate and Wait” - proclaims Mark Twain.
And in the same way, applying the same train of thought, I heard on Diamond Television News-Zambia that some Indian Investors had bought some land in Mansa and opened up a water purification plant there. Now, the question I ask is, "how many kilometers is it from India to Mansa, Zambia did these Indian Investors have to travel in order to come and buy land here in Zambia, Mansa in particular for investment purposes?" Answer: They had to travel approximately 6,511 kilometers from India into Mansa, Zambia for them to open up such a plant in that area!
And yet here in Zambia we have indigenous and/or potential local Zambian land buyers and/or investors who say they can't buy or invest in land that is situated say approximately between six (6) kilometers or even seventy (70) Kilometers away from the main tarmac road saying, "it's far, I can't buy or invest in land here" and I'm like "Eh?"
And a few years later after the same area develops with all the social amenities there, these same indigenous and/or local Zambian land buyers and/or Investors still come back and say they want to buy land in the same area they had initially said was far and therefore couldn't stay or live there and I'm like again:
"Eh? - the property prices in that area have since soared and if you really wish to buy land in that same area, I'm afraid you would have to spend three times more than before due to developmental activities that have since taken place in that area".
And they go like, "please, please find me another cheap plot falling in a developed area like that one?" and I say, "we shall try our best to find you another cheap plot and they wait till kingdom come until they get swindled by some unscrupulous individuals or illegal estate agents."
This is the more reason why Robert kiyosaki in one of his Books titled "Rich Dad's Guide to Investing" says the following regarding one of the seven (7) basic rules of investing:
"It is the Investor and NOT the Investment which is Risky" - proclaims Robert kiyosaki.
What therefore Robert kiyosaki is actually saying is that if you are an Investor and you happen NOT to be Knowledgeable or haven't deliberately and intentionally taken positive steps to educate yourself in the fundamentals of Investing, real estate included, you'll be a risk to your investment and NOT the Investment being a risk to You!
Therefore, Start by FIRST Educating Yourself Here>>>https://bit.ly/3KuyswN<<< in the Fundamentals of Where to Look for Investment Opportunities in Real Estate as One of Your Many and/or Diversified Investment Vehicles by Following One of the Links Above!!!!!
You'll Be Happy You Did!!!!!
“Don’t Wait to Buy Real Estate. Instead, Buy Real Estate and Wait” - Mark Twain.
“Every Problem is a Business Opportunity. You Just Haven’t Yet Figured Out How?” – Dr. Myles Munrue.
“Never Make a Permanent Decision in a Temporary Problem” – Dr. Myles Munrue.
“Savers are Losers” – Robert Kiyosaki. Why? Because of Inflation based on the PV (Present Value) and the FV (Future Value) of Money! Therefore, Don’t Completely Save Money in a Bank Account. Instead, Buy and Invest in Real Estate as Mark Twain and Robert Kiyosaki advice. Why? Because Real Estate Appreciates in Value Over time compared to Money Saved in a Bank Account Due to Reasons Highlighted in the preceding sentences!
1. 20m x 25m plots in Waterfalls Area @ K65,000 each;
2. 20m x 30m plot in Waterfalls Area @ K75,000;
3. 25m x 30m plot in Waterfalls @ K95,000;
4. 20m x 30m plot in Meanwood Ndeke Phase 2 @ K150,000 ;
5. 30m x 40m plot in Waterfalls Area K180,000;
6. 20m x 20m plot in Obama Residential Area @ K160,000;
7. 12m x 30m plot in Vorna Valley situated about 500 metres away from the Tarmac Road @ K170,000 ;
8. 20m x 20m plot in Meanwood Chamba Valley Kwamwena Phase 3 @ K220,000;
9. 20.7m x 37.5m in Vorna Valley situated about 500 metres away from the Tarmac Road @ K250,000;
10. 20m x 30m plot in Chalala situated somewhere near Choppies Supermarket @ K250,000;
11. 20m x 30m plot in Meanwood Chamba Valley Kwamwena Phase 2 @ K260,000;
12. 20m x 30m plot in Meanwood Chamba Valley Kwamwena Phase 1 @ K280,000;
13. 30m x 30m plot in Makeni situated about 500 metres away from Makeni Road around Patel's Area @ K400,000;
14. 50m x 50m plot in Waterfalls Area @ K400,000;
15. 20m x 30m plot situated around the Airport Roundabout Area @ K400,000;
16. 30m x 30m plot in Ibex Hill Main @ K430,000;
17. 28m x 30m plot on a single title deed in Chelstone situated near Joma School @ K450,000;
18. 20m x 30m plot in Ibex Meanwood @ K450,000;
19. 30m x 30m road frontage plot in Ibex Meanwood @ K550.000;
20. 25m x 50m plot in Ibex Hill Main @ K750,000;
21. 70m x 60m plot in Silverest situated around Unilus University Area @ K800,000;
22. 30m x 40m plot in Ibex Meanwood @ K850,000.
Interested? Then Call David Kapalu right Now on +260 966 388525 /+260 977 805045 /+260 955168754 or simply Whatsapp: +260 966 388525. MZIEA No. 321.
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David Kapalu is a Real Estate Investment Consultant who happens to be a duly Registered Member of the Zambian Institute of Estate Agents, an Internet Marketing Specialist, Motivational Speaker, Public Speaker, Life Coach, Crypto-Currency Investor, Enthusiast and Trainer. He is also a Holder of a Bachelor of Laws (LLB) Degree from the Zambian Open University. He is Someone who Understands his Subject so Well and Knows How to Distil and Reduce Complex Matters into Simple to Understand Matters.
Therefore, Call/WhatsApp/Sms him right now on +260 966 388525 and contact him for one on one real estate investment advice or legal advice!
He also stands ready to be booked for speaking engagements as well as offer free and paid radio and television interviews with any individual or organization interested in him sharing his deep insight and understanding of real estate matters as well as offer legal advice pertaining to land rights and ownership in the Zambian Market Landscape!!!!.