It’s not the fancy outsides of life that count
Arjuna Ishaya
Monk. Tools to master your mind, satisfy your soul and live supremely well. Articles and posts on the journey.
“It’s not the honors and the prizes and the fancy outsides of life which ultimately nourish our souls. It’s the knowing that we can be trusted, that we never have to fear the truth, that the bedrock of our very being is good stuff.”
— Fred Rogers
Let me assure you.
Despite what your mind may say, the bedrock of your being is good stuff. The finest stuff.
We’ve all made mistakes; we’ve been downright ignorant, horrible and nasty perhaps.
But – with the benefit of clear compassionate hindsight, directed at yourself –
You’ll see there’s a reason for all of it.
Now we’re more conscious and aware we might wince at who we once were, you might even want to repay that debt in someway.
However –
It doesn’t change the fact that your soul is pure. It cannot be tarnished.
You can momentarily forget the right thing, the loving thing, the courageous thing –
But that doesn’t mean anything about who you fundamentally are.
See it like being asleep. You’re unconscious to what is real, that is all. When you awake, just as the time is always now, there You always are.
From being mindfully aware and awake, all the Good comes through you.
So, above all things, prioritise being awake and aware.
As my Ishaya teacher once said, remember to remember so you forget to forget.
And distrust what your mind has to say.
It has such potential for self-criticism and self-violence that is in no way useful.
And you know this – you wouldn’t talk to a dog the way you talk to yourself sometimes.
In living a Good life, you have to distrust what your mind says in this matter. It’s a fine servant but a terrible master.
This whole game then is a dance between being filled with presence in the present moment, and being lost in your mind.
Prioritise this. Learn to go beyond your mind and be present.
Give yourself a chance to clean the slate and trust who you are, right now.
It’s the greatest thing you can do to really live, free as a bird and make the kind of difference you want to make.
As the great Ram Dass said, “Be here, now”.
Go well!
Get in touch if you want any assistance with that. I’d love to answer your questions.
Ascension meditation –
I’m a fan, for the reasons above.
We’re all done for courses in 2023, but if you’re keen I have a space for some 1-1 mentoring before Christmas.
Let me know if that’s of interest and I’ll send you the details.
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Talk soon!