It's Evolution
Brian Burt | Br. Lawrence | SCIE 345: Creation & Evolution | 14 January 2010
? When I think of the term evolution, I am reminded of three things: Pearl Jam’s song, Do the Evolution, my older brother’s science fair project on genetics and human cloning and of course Darwin and his theories.?Beginning with Pearl Jam’s song, 'Do the Evolution,' take for instance the following lyrics:
"I'm ahead, I'm a man .?I'm the first mammal to wear pants, yeah. . . ?I am ahead, I am advanced .??I am the first mammal to make plans, yeah.?I crawled the earth, but now I'm higher. . ."
Within these lyrics we find that we are mammals, but over time have changed or evolved to a higher order of thinking and being in which, we make plans and wear clothing.?This idea of change is further illustrated in my brother’s science experiment in which he used binary code to represent the genetic makeup of two beings.?After thousands of replications and reproductions, the project illustrated how certain injections into the code could result in changes in the future generations.?In essence, the gene pool, represented by binary code, actually evolved over time.
? So to answer the question of how I define the term evolution, I look at it as a change or adaptation.?That yes there was a starting point to it all, but not as we know life as it is today.?Life started as some form of matter that changed and split and adapted over billions of years to form all that we know today.?As a more concrete example, I like to refer to Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder as a genetic trait that has evolved overtime beginning with our ancestral hunter/gatherers. As we evolved into farmers, this “hunter/gatherers” trait diminished for the majority, but can still be found after all these years in the minority.?
Pearl Jam | Do the Evolution