It’s Not Easy to Be Simple….
Karen Schimpf
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There is a great song by Lynyrd Skynyrd called, “Simple Manâ€.?If you haven’t listened to it in a while or never heard it, it is worth a listen.?I am finding that being a simple woman is anything but simple in America.?With wealth comes options and with options comes the potential for pride, lust, guilt, greed and many other evils.?Want an eye opener? ?Look at your actions, really look at them and ask the question, “Whyâ€.?Why did you do that thing??It is a crucial question.?Did you buy that new house because the old one longer worked or was there some other reason that may not have been so noble-like you wanted to impress someone?
?WE MUST LOOK AT ACTIONS, NOT WORDS. AND ASK WHY??Why are we sending weapons to Ukraine when the risk of war is growing??Shouldn’t we be conserving our weapons??When I was a kid and we were doing snowball fights, the side with the most snowballs won.?You didn’t give away your snowballs-that weakens you- it’s not political, it is common sense.?BRICS just added all the OPEC nations to their group, they say it is just a group of like minded countries that has no war interest but it now includes the most powerful countries not named USA including-Russia, China, India, South Africa and now OPEC.?Why are groups joining together to create a different world order to the US??We are in World War 3 based on the actions of the world leaders and sides are being drawn.?While we fight amongst ourselves along ridiculous party lines enemies are teaming up and making important moves…Like China building a military base in Cuba just 90 miles off the US Coast.?Russia tried that back in the early 60’s but Kennedy wouldn’t allow it.?Today, it is happening. ?
Our government is NOT acting in our best interest.?Power corrupts, we all know it, but somehow we deceive ourselves to think “not with usâ€.?Hitler was an ELECTED politician and his party, the Nazi party, was a POLITICAL party that got VOTED into office in 1933.?When he attacked Poland, because it once was part of Germany, it was not seen as a World War.?WW2 did not become a world war in America until 2 years later when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor.?Then it was a world war but history put the attack of Poland by Hitler as the start of that war.?Last year, Putin attacked Ukraine because it used to be part of Russia.?Like 1940, we don’t see it as a world war because we haven’t been attacked yet.?But what if next year, like 1941, there is an attack in some form? Is that what is needed before we wake up to the fact that our government is not addressing our best interest.?AND WHAT CAN YOU DO ABOUT IT??That is the real question-you are not a senator-what can you really do?
First, use your power to vote.?DON’T JUST VOTE YOUR PARTY!?Nancy Pelosi has been a Congresswoman since 1987 and yet her approval rating-IN HER OWN DISTRICT- has never gotten higher than 37! How is she still in office??If all you do is vote your party, then all the party’s need to do is convince you the other side is evil and keep you voting along party lines. Blindly voting along party lines is how evil grows…period. ?It is ok to vote for a good person who is Democrat even if you are Republican…..if you don’t like the way things are going in your state-vote differently.?Now it only matters if enough of us do it…and if we don’t, we’ll keep getting what we are getting which most of us agree is not a good outcome! ?
Second, get your house in order NOT out of fear, but just using common sense, seeing what is likely to happen and then think about what is the best play for you.?Countries and people DO survive wars, even if America loses it’s place as the World’s Reserve Currency, we will still exist.?Rome fell, but you can still go to Rome today.?There are millionaires there, it still exists. Just not the world leader anymore.?But if we lose our spot as the reserve currency it DOES mean change here in America, get your house in order accordingly.
Third,?work on yourself.?No matter what happens in the world, improving your relationship with God, your family, getting in better physical shape, will lead to a better life-and NOTHING can take the improvements to self away from you.?This is the best thing you can do.
Look at your actions, look at the actions of those around you.?Ask yourself “why†and then with that wisdom, act accordingly.?HAVE A BLESSED WEEK!