The Foundation’s Donate page on the Alpha Delta Kappa ? website has been updated with new descriptions and information. Now it’s easier than ever to decide which categories?best serve your needs. Donation categories are:
- Honor A Sister–With a minimum donation of $25, Honor A Sister is a means for honoring an individual living sister.?The member making the donation and the honoree will be recognized in the KAPPAN.
- Honor a Special A?K Group–With a minimum donation of$150, this new donation category enables members to recognize an A?K group such as a chapter, committee, executive board, mentoring group, S/P/N, Collegiate Club, HQ Staff, A?KA, A?K book club, etc. The name of the donor and the name of the group honored will be recognized in the KAPPAN. Individual group members’ names will not be printed.
- Memorial Donation–With a minimum donation of $25, a member or chapter can make a donation in memory of a member, friend or loved one. The member making the donation will be recognized in the KAPPAN.?
- Alpha Delta Kappa Foundation–The Alpha Delta Kappa Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization established in 1981. Donations help support A?K Foundation scholarships, grants and International altruistic projects.?
- Alpha Delta Kappa Organization–The Alpha Delta Kappa Organization is a 501(c)(3) organization. Donations will be used to support the operation of our beloved organization. Donations by check should be made out to the A?K Foundation and mailed to Alpha Delta Kappa, 1615 W. 92nd Street, Kansas City, MO 64114. Be sure to use the memo line to note the category or categories for your donation.?
Now, which type of pie do you want? Oops, which type of donation do you want to make?