“It’s easier to dream it if you see it.”
Brian Ford
Using personal development to fundraise for charity | Self-Improvement Podcaster (20+ million downloads) | Social Impact Leader (Nonprofit founder at For Purpose Foundation)
One of the most incredible, overlooked aspects about life is that we’re creating it. Literally everything that you see around you was once just an idea that someone had that they dedicated themselves to and made a reality. First and foremost, we are creators. It’s within our control to shape the future.?
Some of us take that seriously and become inventors, pioneers, and leaders… And some of us don’t tap into that potential and become the recipients of the life that everyone else creates for us.
There are two components to being the creator of your life: The idea to do it and ?the follow through that creates it.
Both of those components improve when you have an example to follow, and that’s why it’s important to follow people who inspire you. When you see someone else succeeding, achieving, or creating at the level you want to, it gives you reason that it’s possible for yourself. In particular, you have selected your life heroes, mentors, and guides for a reason. They’re the voices and examples that you feel most aligned with, that you gravitate toward, that are shining the light on your path ahead.
“It’s easier to dream it if you see it.” Creation starts with the dream, the idea, and then it gets built into reality. Your vision may not take the form you thought it would, and the process might not be as smooth as you’d want it to be, but when you’re committed to creating you are literally shaping your future.
The main thing people relate the idea of 'creating' to is in business. You identify a problem and create a product, service, or solution that solves the problem. The world has changed because now it has your creation.?
But similarly you can create the health, relationships, impact, influence, culture, fulfillment that you desire in life as well. And it all stems from having an idea that you really believe in, a dream, and finding ways to build it into your world.
I think of it like a snow globe. At rest all of the snow settles to the bottom of the globe. When you shake it, it all gets disrupted but in time it’ll all settle in a similar way again. But if you add some structure and elements into the globe and shake it again, the snow settles around those structures in a new way.?
That’s what creating does -?it establishes a new normal. But again, you won’t have the ideas to create, or feel like it’s worthwhile to create, unless you see how it’s being modeled by others. “It’s easier to dream it if you see it.”
One of my greatest creations, that I’ve designed to help myself and others get into the good habits, routines, and next level consistency, is my Self Improvement Scorecard. Check it out!