It's "diffcult" to organize
After knowing the fact that, this industry is just a decade year old, it's really difficult to rely on someone to inherit the best practices and processes while managing overall operations and transactions in this domain. While working with different modes of businesses and different type of people, I've figured out these few quick steps which may be useful for early stage folks.
Hiring: Hire the people on the basis of their rigor and enthusiasm. I mostly look forward on these factors rather than going with the traditional screening processes where one is evaluated on the basis of academics and the certificates. Of course, these are the important factors for coming to the conclusion if the person could be a good resource or will be consistent for the organization but like just as other secondary criterion.
Train the best: The very important thing is how do we adapt them in the system. Generally, people seem to take this phase very casually and think anyone can take the step forward and build the resource. In fact, I'd say building a long term resource is a very important phase where you need such a kind of expertise and mechanics to understand the resource and mold them per the role or business requirements. If your peer feels comfortable with you, it will be an easy task to get the things done and chase down the highly impossible targets as well.
Keep following up: Not only in terms of hiring or training, but on each and every tasks that we manage, follow-up is a key to success of service industry. Since major part of this digital Eco-space comes under Client service and satisfaction, this becomes a crucial decision whether to or not do a followup. Sometimes your simple acknowledgement to client's email with "Thank you!" can also make them happy while at times your detailed synopsis can bock them as well. Be constructive while writing anything to them (client), it should be less annoying and highly representing.
Things work better if done together: The best part, what should be prioritized first and focused at, should be the "Sync-up" within the teams or people. Sooner they get synced-up, lesser will be the operational cost and other overheads. Majorly, the advantage of this (working together) would be to analyse each and everyone's abilities and utilize the strengths and weaknesses to make proper decisions.
Most of the times, teams fail to achieve the operational stability and end up with hell lot of confusions and misunderstanding which in return is very harmful to the organization and it's growth. Let's hope this write-up will catalyze at-least one small team to gel-up together and create the mysteries.