It's Crazy!


I have always believed that the true "cost of war" is never accounted for.

In my parents' treasure trove of lost letters from kin was one from, what would have been a great uncle, on my father's side.

It opened: "Dear Father, if you are reading this, I have given the best to my country and died for it..."

Of course, he was slaughtered in WW1.

I came across that correspondence just after I got my private pilot's license in 1971.

I applied to the US Airforce to become a "Jet Jockey." What pilot would not want to fly government-funded, low fuel cost, top-gun stuff--and I am better looking and bigger than Tom Cruise? (Plus I played Rugby!)

So, I was rejected because I was not an American citizen.

Things I remember about war:

1. My grandmother on my Mother's side recounted stories told to her by her husband, a Doctor and WW1 vet:

-- We saw some soldiers who were so scared about the war, they shot themselves;

-- I saw a man get his head blown off, but his body kept running afterwards.

2. Key Largo, 1988. I am chatting up some nubile pussy when a studly looking man sidles up to me.  He said he was a Vietnam War Vet. "How did you feel when your country hated you when you cam back from the conflict?" He moved away from me and I could then see he had no right leg.

3. Vancouver, 1998

i. Yuri--I meet the guy in a bar and he tells me he's a Canadian Soldier and went/going to Afganistan.  I tell him, there is no good in war--how many people died in WW1, WW2, Afganistan, etc. (I don't think Yuri was the smartest guy in the swimming pool, but he does deserve to breed, maybe).

ii. Yuri as an independent war contractor. So, I meet up, again with Yuri. He tells me, yeah, Boyd, you were right! I got contracted by a company to fight in the Middle East. 

So, it turns out that he met with his "fellow soldiers" in a location I refuse to disclose.

"I know all the names of the Canadian, US regiments, battle groups, etc. But all these guys' knowledge did not ring true. They could not tell me the correct names.  (Remember, Boydee, I have friends in all armies)  I was thinking, ' they are not soldiers, they are just stupid mercenaries!"

"So, we were going to meet together in a "Jimmy," which was reinforced with steel-plating.  First day, and I am climbing in to the cab.  I know all these guys have failed my test on divisions/brigades, etc.

"Then, BLAM! One guy with an AK-47, lets off a around because he bounced the heel of his weapon off the Jimmy's floor.

Yuri resigned that day! 

iii/ Yuri III - so I catch up with Yuri a few years later:

"Hi, Boydee...I have gone to my psychiatrists three times this week!"


1. There is the latent unfunded liability of  the aging demographic;

2. But I would argue all the people promised or who could claim health benefits from democracies are going to be bankrupted!








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