It's about Choices - Even in Programmatic
I was trying to co-relate the phenomenon of Programmatic to the real life. Likewise, the right choices yield the best possible outcomes for a long term in real life decisions like buying a house, car, or other conveniences etc.. Similarly, in Programmatic it's very important or crucial to make the right choices. Though, we consider it as a completely automated mechanism (Programmatic) with less human intervention, the actual execution certainly needs expertise in making right choices for appropriate requirements, else it becomes just a game of probability.
Though, it's a Technology platform to handle Advertising spends or an Exchange to manage Publishers assets, whether it's an audience platform to help relativity or a Smart operations handler to ease the execution, every choice is very very important. There has to be a proper Handshake between the requirement and sourcing or else everything is just a routine with no outcomes of success. It might be a simple decision whether to source a specific brand campaign for xxx publisher or not, but making correct choice is a reluctant if neither of both sides is feeling profitable through this deal.
Platforms can certainly give an Intel or the forecasts, but the actual inputs or algos are always to be defined by an individual only.
The path is niche where I'm trying to narrow this point, but the ones with habit to make choices will be able to digest easily..