It's Channel 4 that needs 'the regions' to revive itself
I'm enjoying reading the comments on Twitter about cities and regions outside London pitching for the HQ/hubs for Channel 4. This piece from Simon Jenkins is stimulating loads of debate this morning:
When Alex Mahon spoke at Creative Cities Convention last month I was struck by how much Channel 4 needs to transform itself to survive and to be relevant to the Netflix/Amazon-watching younger generation that doesn't often watch the 'major' broadcasters. She cited regional and local voices from beyond the metropolis - writing and producing, as much as on screen - as vital to the channel's future.
The overwhelming attitude from all indes and other delegates at the Convention was about better representation throughout the whole of the major broadcasters' ecosystems - not because it's 'good for the regions' but because, without it, the major broadcasters would become irrelevant to many of the population they serve.