“It’s a bit contentious”: The Stumbling Blocks to Inclusive Marketing
TJ Marketing Services Ltd
Outsourced Marketing Agency for SMEs. Always looking for an excuse to have a coffee. Visibility. Engagement. Growth.
We used to scroll our Facebook feeds for the funny snapshots and exciting news our friends wanted to share.? It was always a nice pleasure to read their stories and listen to their music.? However, that enjoyable cascade has turned into a darker plummet of late.? More and more internet trolls stoke fires under unfiltered opinions.? Opinions and facts collide so publicly that everyone else is watching with morbid curiosity.
The reign of the casual observer has long ended.? It seems, as far as social media is concerned, you’re either all in or walking away from the table.
Thus, the terrain for inclusive marketing becomes increasingly more difficult to navigate.? With every new discussion, a contentious debate is born.? How can you be inclusive when everyone seems so publicly divided?
First, it is only fair that we understand the division.
The numerous and vocal divides
The divides that we are seeing, realistically, have always been there.? The landscape of identity politics has been traveled in literature and art for centuries.? But as all forms of media became more public, so the opinions of the writers and artists have come to the forefront.? Now, the issue is, everyone is a writer.
Contentious issues and debate has moved from the living rooms into the public sphere.? Newspapers have always been politically misaligned, but readers chose their media to match their political leanings.? Now, “contentious” conversations spontaneously combust in our hands.? The divisions are becoming quite stark:
·???????? Generational divides (millennials and baby boomers).
·???????? Scientific divides (anti vaxxers, flat earthers, covid deniers).
·???????? A widening gender debate (LGBTQ+, TERFs).
·???????? Governing Political Divides (left and right wing politics).
·???????? Truth and post truth division (fact checking, conspiracy theories).
There has been a societal shift throughout the last two generations. ?Long gone are the days when people keep their political leanings solely for the voting booths.? People are less guarded about how they feel about things like government, LGBTQ, race, and religion.
This freedom of speech should be something we celebrate.? However, in fact, it has everyone just a little on edge.
A snapshot of the contentious problem
I was in a particularly quiet bar talking with a friend.? They’re a fellow marketer for a local company, and a heavy part of their campaigns involve social media.? Without any agenda, we discussed the forthcoming “International Men’s Day”.?
International Men’s Day isn’t a celebration of being a man.? It focuses, ordinarily, on silenced conversations.? Motifs such as mental health, abuse, and homelessness are brought to the fore and discussed.? They are important issues, many of which were silenced for decades under the patriarchal guise of “not showing weakness”.
As we discussed our respective campaigns and clients, one thing came very clear.? International Men’s Day is being held at arm’s length, still, by a variety of businesses.? With all the noise and opinions on social media, somehow, celebrating International Men’s Day is considered “a bit contentious”.
There are a lot of people not wanting to upset the apple cart their customers are sitting on.
Addressing the problem
International Men’s Day is not the only example.? Pride Month and Black History Month, despite having seen some support over the last few years was addressed tentatively by many this year.? There is a palpable fear of alienating customer bases by highlighting charged topics.?
As marketers, however, we must remember why inclusive marketing is so important in the first instance.? Representation is important to the Millennials and Gen Z that make up the predominant sets of consumers.? The zeitgeist for many is tied up into identity, and it is important that they are recognised and celebrated.?
Markets are no longer directed by the lowest price, or the best ‘Buy One get One Free’ offer.?? Long-term brand advocacy is earned by investing in your customers.? Every demographic deserves representation, and by doing so fearlessly is more likely to earn your brand invaluable loyalty.
Brands should continue to invest in their inclusive marketing campaigns.? Fearing a handful of negative comments that can be easily hid or deleted from your posts can hurt your brand more than investing in positive and meaningful representation ever could.
If you want to talk about inclusive marketing and how it can be implemented within your business, feel free to contact me on [email protected], or call our office on 01604 698 948.
Adam Ward
Marketing Executive
TJ Marketing Services