It's Bigger than me.
I often talk about legacy and purpose, because I'm tapping in to something that's bigger than me. Here's a gentleman's email that I recently received and a glimpse into what keeps me going:
Hello Brother,
My name is... I saw you this past Thursday, May, 12th give the keynote address at the Skill Quest graduation ceremony. I attended because my girlfriend's mother was one of the graduates... The speech you gave resonated with me… A little about me, I'm originally from Brooklyn, NY. I got a degree in business a long time ago, went to intern on wall street and realize it wasn't from me. After a while, I decided to go NYU to earn a Certificate in Surgical Technology (asst. in surgery), which I've been doing for going on 15 years. I recently finished nursing school in order to make more money. My next goal is to either start a Home Health Care business with my friend who is also a male nurse and/or start taking IT classes. I moved here to Dallas back in 2010... I was conflicted talking to you after your speech basically cause I'm not in the payroll field, but after you left I, decided to challenge myself so I took a picture of the business card you gave to my GF’s mother and reached out to you. I'm proud of the work that your doing especially the fact that you're going to places like Skill Quest to talk positivity to students. I know I’m not currently in your field but if you ever have any meetings/functions etc. that are open to public or need some type of help, I’m willing to help. You're setting a standard for people like me to reach for more and believe it’s possible and that’s exactly why I left the hood. Hope to connect one day.
Dream Bigger. Fail Faster. Get Better.
Craig J. Lewis