Its Better To Be Defeated On Principles Than To Win On Lies.
“If you find a man in an Island by himself and if you come to know how lonely he is. It is normal, because there is no one around him. If you found a man a busy crowd city and if he his alone, that is different story.
That is the story of a man who felt alone in the crowd. That is my story. I always questioned why I felt so?
I always wonder is there anyone who fell like Me? Alone in the crowd?
Many things fascinate me. Many things that are now are things of the past.
No Change. What is now was the same yesterday and will remain in future too.
Everybody accept this, In fact to be old is to be fashioned. NO matter how
Important it is, the new is always blocked by the old.
As a part of the generation, I am also new arrival in the crowed. My fate would be no different.
Every new arrival has to learn something. To accept the norm in the crowd. Nobody allowed diverting this. The new is always an alien. Anyone who asked about change would be an outcast. If you want to live happily, you have to leave all ideas contrary to the norm. Otherwise, the system rejects you. If you don’t accept the norm; you can find your place somewhere else.
You can leave the system. IF you want to say you can't ask anything about the norm.
Changes don’t even think about it. I was indifferent between two Options.
I have to decide one. The first one is to leave all my ideas behind and accepted the norm. I can live in peace.
The second one is to leave the system and find a place which can bear my seed.
I am a lonely man. You know why? One day, I decided this, I will not escape.
I will not leave the norm. I will not run from the system. I decided this.
I will not leave my ideas behind. I will not accept the norm.
I will stay and I will fight for change.
I will go on my way. No matter the challenges. I will make a Difference.
I decided this & confront reality. It frightens me, but I will not return back.
That is why, I felt so terribly alone. Millions are around me, but I felt lost like a man in the jungle. Alone in the crowd . A Man in Africa especially in Ethiopia.”
“One of the most wonderful mysteries in the universe is that prayer changes things. God has so arranged his world that we have the ability to make significant choices, some good and some bad, which affect the course of history. One means God has given us to do this is prayer—asking him to act. Because he is all-wise and all-powerful, knowing “the end from the beginning” (Isa. 46:10), he's able to weave our requests into his eternally good purposes.Don’t think of sin as simply doing things that are wrong; sin in the Bible is like a crippling virus, or a toxic chemical in a river. It manifests itself in selfishness and rebellion against God, and no matter how hard we try, we still put ourselves first. Machines are easier to diagnose and repair than the human heart.God’s promise is true: “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone” (Ezekiel 36:26). Don’t blindly go the way of the crowd, but by faith. Thankfully, God is the One who actually regenerates each soul. Time helps reveal evidence of this supernatural work, and as we wait, we can trust these words from Paul: "I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase" (1 Corinthians 3:6).
At this point our thinking can seriously go astray in one of two directions.The first is to say, “If God is all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-good, and if everything is preordained, then he's going to do whatever he wills anyway and thus our prayers can't have any significant effect. Sure, they may help us psychologically, such that talking to God helps us get things off our chest that may help us feel better, but prayers don't count for much in the grand scheme of things. So why bother?”
Here there's an overemphasis on God's absolute sovereignty.
The second route, though different from the first, ends up in the same place by denying the usefulness of prayer. Here's the objection: “If human beings are free to make up their own minds, then God can't be absolutely sovereign; he must take risks such that human decisions can thwart his purposes, so there are severe limits to what we can ask for without undermining human freedom. If, for example, you have been praying for your sister to become a Christian, and God has done everything he can to bring her to himself, but somehow she won't surrender to him, why bother asking God to save her? It's out of order to pressure God to do more than he can do. So just give up on prayer.”
God has the power and wisdom to use our prayers as he sees fit and to do what we could never imagine. If he weren't all-powerful, there'd be little point in praying. If he weren't all wise, it'd be dangerous to pray; after all, who'd want to ask an all-powerful but foolish person to do anything? But God is both perfectly wise and infinitely powerful, which is why you and I can pray with confidence.”