It's been another busy one!
The amazing team running for the Northamptonshire Health Charity in the Northampton 10K

It's been another busy one!

In my series of weekly updates all I can say is I'm glad to see the weekend!

This week has been a very full on week and I'm glad to say I've cleared the 400+ emails from the week before. I don't know what happened but I just received so many emails and it took me over a week to get through them all...... I'm glad to report I'm up to date (I think!) and can now move into June with less of a digital in-tray!

This week started with something I've not done for six years...... yes run 6.2 miles! I took part in the Northampton 10K in aid of the Northamptonshire Health Charity and joined the team of runners and supporters in raising awareness and funds for the charity. Having not run the distance since 2018, I was very apprehensive before and leading up to the start as I was worried about whether I could manage the distance, especially as I had hardly trained due to business growth within NNBN and falling behind, however....... I did something I haven't done before when running and ran to the music of Michael W Smith, a Christian singer from the USA, and the uplifting music made the 1 hour, 16 minutes and 52 seconds go very fast! Sorry if you were on the course cheering me on, but I was away with Michael in my ears for the distance! I was quite surprised by my time especially as I used to run this distance in 1 hour 15 minutes WITH a weekly 5k park run as training!!!


I spent most of Monday recovering from the day before and it was a great opportunity to put my feet up and do nothing as it was Bank Holiday Monday. How welcome it was too!!! In the time I was on my feet, I visited Yoke Hill based between Corby and Oundle to meet with Emma Smith who showed me round her business and talked about the exciting plans for the future. We even had time to record an interview for the following night's NLive Radio Open 4 Business Radio Show as well.


Back to action on Tuesday and what an exciting day it was as I was joined at Poppy Design Studio by seven local business owners to record a video ahead of NNSTARTUP DAY on Wednesday 19th June. I feel we don't celebrate entrepreneurship enough here in Northamptonshire and in the UK in general and this year, we're currently working on the content for NNSTARTUP DAY 2024 which will see a series of videos released across our social media channel celebrating the journeys of local business owners. I can't wait for this year as it's slightly different!

In the evening, I was sitting in for Adrian Pryce on the Open 4 Business Radio Show on NLive Radio and spoke to three great guests. The UK Micro Business Champion Tony Robinson OBE joined me to talk about entrepreneurship, I was joined by Corrine Gretton-West, a brand photographer in Northampton, talking about her business and business journey and then I played out the recording of Emma Smith and I talking from Monday's visit to Yoke Hill based between Corby and Oundle.


It was another seven video interviews with local business owners in a repeat of the day before EXCEPT this time I was filming at Vulcan Works, a creative hub in Northampton for creative people and it was a pleasure to speak to those who came to talk to me on camera about their businesses and business journeys. A big thank you to the team at Vulcan Works for looking after everyone so well. All will be revealed on Wednesday 19th June!


It was catch up time again as I eventually got to nearly the bottom of the email backlog and I've vowed never to get that far behind again! It's rare I'm behind, but two long days with the visit to Parliament and then the Royal Garden Party the next day and there I was, in the peak period of the month, behind on emails!


Today has been just crazy. I left early and headed over to Vulcan Works again for some hot desking and was joined by a few of our NNBN members as we enjoyed a day of working together but on our own businesses. Hot desking and co-working is brilliant for micro business owners who are sometimes needing to work collaboratively or together with other business owners to have a change of working day or structure to get different results. It certainly worked for me although if there was someone going to be disruptive today, it was going to be me. I have no idea why, but 26 incoming phone calls in a day was certainly a busy one and I did warn a few other business owners that my mobile will be going off at some point during the co-working time together!


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