It’s the Architecture, Stupid

It’s the Architecture, Stupid

tl;dr: A decade old post on the Internet brings perspective to crypto

Somehow, I added?The Web Is Dead. Long Live the Internet?by Chris Anderson and Michael Wolff to my weekend reading list in the thinking that the article was newly published.

On the contrary, it’s over 10 years old, but I didn’t realize that until I was about 60% of the way through.

It didn’t matter.

I really loved the perspective of reading an article with the hindsight of time and, well, this one was really, really,….really good.

Anderson/Wolff’s basic points were that, as the technology matures, people want “new” less and less and “reliable” more and more.

The web, via the browser, offered the possibility of “new.”

You could discover new sites and click deeper and deeper.

Today, however, as they foresaw, you want reliable.

You don’t go to music sites, you open the Spotify app.

You don’t go to video sites, you open the Netflix app.


Because they just work.

Facebook is not the Web. Facebook depends upon the Internet, however.

It’s a distinction that many people don’t necessarily appreciate.

As they write:

This architecture — not the specific applications built on top of it — is the revolution.?

In fact, many of the apps on top of the Internet are “closed,” not “open,” which is contrary to the ethos of the Web.

They argue that this type of “monopolistic” experience was inevitable because

So what took so long?
Why wasn’t the Web colonized by monopolists a decade ago?
Because it was in its adolescence then, still innovating quickly with a fresh and growing population of users always looking for something new. Network-driven domination was short-lived.
Friendster got huge while social networking was in its infancy, and fickle consumers were still keen to experiment with the next new thing. They found another shiny service and?moved on, just as they had abandoned before it.
In the expanding universe of the early Web, AOL’s walled garden couldn’t compete with what was outside the walls, and so the walls fell.
But the Web is now 18 years old.
It has reached adulthood. An entire generation has grown up in front of a browser. The exploration of a new world has turned into business as usual. We get the Web. It’s part of our life. And we just want to use the services that make our life better.
Our appetite for discovery slows as our familiarity with the status quo grows.

I’m going to leave the last line for another post on another day because it sits at the core of a deep fear of mine, but I will say that I think what he’s describing is what’s happening right now in crypto.

Crypto is not even close to adulthood. It’s barely in adolescence. Most people aren’t involved in “Web 3” yet and it’s marked by an exploration of new….every hour of every day.

Now, the question that will be interesting to see is whether Web 3 systems can deliver reliability without turning towards “closed.” I certainly hope they can and, perhaps naively, think that cryptoeconomics is the reason for that.

When something is community owned, even if it is operated by a smaller subset of people, it?should?behave differently than a Facebook style monopoly.

I think people will eventually get used to the ultimate micro-transaction mode that crypto networks will require to sustain themselves.

As they write:

Much as we love freedom and choice, we also love things that just work, reliably and seamlessly. And if we have to pay for what we love, well, that increasingly seems OK. Have you looked at your cell phone or cable bill lately?

We’ll see, of course, but the?architecture?of Web 3 is?open by default.?It’s open source. It’s forkable. It’s permissionless. Anyone can join. Anyone can build.

By design.

I wonder if this fundamental design choice, at the architectural level-and it’s the architecture that matters after all-is why so many are so bullish on this technology now, in its infancy.


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