It's the "and"
We can all agree that our bodies are part of nature, right? It's the way that our grandparents' knees can tell when it's about to rain, and the way that kids run wild when there is a full moon, right?
Speaking of which, with the energetic pull between the Earth and Moon, that's what moves the oceans, we know this from science of course.
So, imagine that energetic pull, and then pairing that with our bodies that are which part of nature - then adding on top of that, the human experience that teaches us that everything in life is either good or bad. It's a lot.
So, what if you allowed yourself to follow the sense of your body, that already knows the outcome, that has already experienced it and that's asking you to trust? It's the and...
As a human, you can feel overwhelmed and downright unhinged right now living through this world AND still "for some reason" know that it's all unfolding exactly as it was meant to.
This defies the human brain because one couldn't possibly support human suffering right? Well, again, what if you remove an assignment of good or bad to it? What if it's simply a knowing, and you allow for the knowing without judgement.
When we begin to allow our feelings as a human being, and the ultimate knowing of our body as part of of nature to work together, you begin to feel a peace that you've never necessarily felt because it feels as though life happens to us rather than for us - and we've been taught that to be a good human you must never allow suffering.
The "and" allows for more than one thing to be true at once, the "and" allows for 2 things to come into balance, the "and" becomes the "how" to get through to the other side.
The "and" allows space to understand that each unique creature in this time and space is fulfilling the exact role that they were meant to.
We have been taught that the only "fight" we know is with villainizing another creature - but is that true? What if the fight is being firm in what we believe in and who we are? That energetic vibration is stronger than any physical being.
The balance between good and bad, right and wrong is a beautiful neutralization to receive the unfolding with the ironclad presence of your unique brilliance - always trusting that it's exactly as it was supposed to be.
We have free will, we can always change our perceived reality AND simply by walking in alignment with our higher being, we create that change without having to draw our sword.
What if your sheer existence with your higher being creates the new world? That's the ask, by any degree, for you to allow. What you are allowing, you are choosing.
Amy Pons, Founder of Unlock the Magic and Host of Women Making Moves