It's Always About the People
In my quest to learn more about sports venues and event facilities across the country that would appeal to readers of our Sports Planning Guide, I've had the pleasure of touring through 44 cities this past year. In many cases I am met by staff from the facility who graciously take their time to show me the ins and outs of the venue. In some cases I've visited with event volunteers.
From touring the incredible Nassau Coliseum on Long Island to the unique translucent dome of the University of Northern Iowa(pictured below) or visiting the monstrous baseball field complex in North Orlando (pictured below with Danny Trosset) to the running course on Point Defiance in Tacoma Washington, one common element stands out. The appeal of all these destinations to tourney planners is falling more and more on the people that manage the facilities and those armies of volunteers who ultimately create the personality of the event that is held.
I believe there is a sea change coming to the sports tournament industry that will shift focus from facilities build out to "personnel build out" in the form of management and volunteer training. As with so many industries in America today, service is gaining ground and the ability of Sports Commissions and cities to provide new and improved event services will create a differential that will separate the winners and losers in the tournament bidding process. From transportation and accommodation services to security services that have become paramount in the planning process, people instrumental in the delivering of all these services will create the new value proposition in the bidding process.
If you have had the good fortune and finances to create great venues, stop and look at what you've invested in the people part of your business. Do you offer the manpower and service levels to compete in the coming years? What plans are you making to improve your volunteer base and strengthen your management team?
I encourage you all to start your personnel build out today if you want to fill those facilities tomorrow.