It's Not Always Nice to be Nice!
Marc Singer Coaching
?? Ex-Prisoner Turned Life Transformer ?? I Help Logical Leaders Eliminate Stress, Master Their Emotions + Build Unshakable Confidence in 90 Days ~ Using My Energy Leadership Method ??
As coaches, we're taught to be compassionate, empathetic, and sensitive to our clients' needs.?
And rightfully so – understanding and kindness can often pave the way for profound breakthroughs.?
But what about those times when a softer touch just doesn't cut it?
I've found, through both personal and professional experience, that there are moments when a firmer, more direct approach is necessary.?
It's not about being harsh or unkind, but rather about delivering the truth, even when it's uncomfortable.
I recall the times when my mum would be brutally honest with me. She would give me the proverbial kick up the bum on many occasions.?
Or when I was in prison, feeling low and victimised, it was my mate Arun who told me what I didn't want to hear. And yes, it pissed me off to hear it.?
But ultimately, it was those words that made me sit up and take notice.
When we're stuck in a rut or struggling with challenges like addiction, it's easy to shift blame elsewhere – onto the system, onto circumstances, onto anything but ourselves.?
But true progress begins when we take ownership of our thoughts, feelings, and actions.
During my time behind bars, it would have been easy to blame the system for my predicament.
But instead, I chose to take responsibility and commit to change within myself.?
Sometimes, being cruel to be kind means confronting uncomfortable truths and pushing ourselves to grow.
So, I ask you: What home truths do you need to hear today??
What excuses are holding you back from reaching your full potential??
It's only when we confront these truths head-on that we can begin to make meaningful progress.
Remember, it's not always easy, but sometimes, being tough is the kindest act of all.