It's already late in the day
Lift Off ....

It's already late in the day

The time to do is now ….

I remember sitting watching the Space Shuttle Discovery (STS-133) launch (its last) and thinking to myself that I had always wanted to see a launch in person. Later that evening I had booked flights for myself and Nicola to go watch the next one, Endeavour. As it turned out this also encouraged several friends to join us. An incredible experience and one that I’m so glad I decided to act upon. I know if I had left the booking to the next morning the chances are something else would have gotten in the way and instead of feeling the roar of the engines on my cheeks as tears rolled down my face I would have been sitting at home wishing I had made the decision to go.

I’m reminded of this, albeit on a different scale, as I read an update from Tim and the team at On Landscape. Sadly they have had to cancel the ‘Meeting of Minds’ conference this year and it also sounds like there may be other logistical challenges in putting something like this on again in the near future. For a couple of years I promised myself I would get across to the conference and yet each time it was on I found myself catching up with the live stream promising myself ‘next time'.

The Space Shuttle experience should be a continued lesson to me that the time to do IS NOW. There are so many unknowns (this past year should have taught us all that in abundance) that can take opportunities away from us, either in the short term or perhaps forever. It can be as simple as getting up that hill for sunrise, starting a new project or perhaps even starting a new direction in your life.

Now when I’m on the fence with a decision I remind myself ‘what would Space Shuttle Nigel do?

He would chase the rocket ... he still is :)

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