It's Almost Over. Time to Celebrate.
When the historians look back 100 years from now, people will marvel at how we overcame the hardships of 2020. It's almost over.
From all of us at PMD Media, we wish you a safe and healthy holiday season. Happy 2021!
Dean Stallone
CEO, PMD Media
PMD Media has contributed to three organizations that have been making people's lives better for many years, and who need our support in the years to come:
Los Angeles Regional Food Bank is at the heart of a charitable food distribution network that includes 650 agencies with more than 1,000 agency and program sites throughout Los Angeles County including abused and abandoned children homes, battered women shelters, senior centers, local food pantries, soup kitchens, AIDS hospices and more.
City Harvest exists to end hunger in communities throughout New York City. Through food rescue and distribution, education, and other practical, innovative solutions, City Harvest has delivered over 600 million pounds of nutritious food for hungry New Yorkers to date.
Sierra Club is the nation's largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization. The three million members have proved instrumental in the passage of the Clean Water Act and Endangered Species Act and continue to work tirelessly to protect and restore the natural environment.