We seem to live in a time where no one wants to take responsibility for ANYTHING. Just take politics for example. No matter how good or bad a president does, it is always the previous's presidents success or fault. We also see this in crime. Somehow, the bad guy becomes the victim and we here things like "well... he/she was just in the wrong place at the wrong time, it's not his fault." to be honest, I think that this mentality was started with the "everyone gets a trophy" culture. We are sending a message to a whole generation that "It's not your fault that you didn't earn the trophy so here is one to make you feel better". I could go on about this topic but I want to get to the point of this article. This "everyone gets a trophy" generation is now entering the work force and I have begun to see the signs of the failure of a generation to take responsibility. In order to be a successful person we have to take a step back and look at our life and realize that it actually IS our fault. That ticket you got this morning is your fault! You broke the law. The cop was merely there to see you break the law and hold you accountable. So how does this all translate to the business world you ask? I'm glad you asked.
I have used this line SO many times trying to justify my failure to close the deal. It was the customers fault that I didn't close the deal. Yeah, it's all his fault. WRONG! I failed to create a sense of urgency for the customer. My sales process was broken and I was not able to close the deal. I had a band director by the name of Lloyd Jones. He is the Director of Bands and the University of North Alabama. We used to make fun of his one liners, but now that I'm in the workforce they have all begun to make sense. We actually were going to write a book of one liners called "Lloydisms." One of his famous lines was "Be the solution, not the problem." I used to get so mad because after all, it wasn't my fault that my neighbor wasn't in his correct place on the field, or the ENTIRE section messed up parts of the music. It was their fault! But I soon realized that in order to be better, I had to be the solution. When my sales process breaks down, I have to look internally and realize that I can be the solution and can correct the mistakes and close the deal next time.
We've all said this at some point in our career. It's all upper management's fault that I didn't get the promotion. They don't like me. The list can go on and on but if you step back and take a look at your process you can quickly see where it is your fault that you didn't get that promotion. That time you laid out of work for no reason other than you didn't want to work. That time you got into a heated discussion with a co worker and broke the team morale. That time you didn't work as a team player. That time you said to heck with safety as long as I get the job done. Can you start to see where maybe it is your fault you're not getting the promotion? Upper management can only go on results. In most cases they are not in the trenches with you to see the extra time you spent on a project, or the sacrifice you made to be at work. They just see the ripples of the stone that was thrown in the water. Be aware of your decisions and make decisions that will boost your company and help you stand out so that you can get that promotion.
Am I saying that every situation is 100% our fault? No way! I understand that things happen however, if we can change our mindset to first look at where our process broke down and create a solution we will be more successful. This also puts the power and control back in your hands. Why give someone else the power to control your future and success? Take it back by taking responsibility. I have made some crappy financial decisions in the past. I found every way I could to blame someone else for MY decisions. Guess what, those people I blamed are out living their life and haven't thought of me once! I was letting them control me. So I had to realize that I made the decisions and I have to be the one to get out of the hole I dug. in 2020, I encourage you to change your mind. Instead of finding fault in everything, find ways to be a solution. Then sit back and watch the success that will flow into your life from simply changing your mindset. Did you know that it takes the same amount of energy to find fault in something as it does to find a solution? Let that sink in. Happy new year! Here's to your success!