It’s All About You
It’s all about you.
You are a high net worth individual who values their personal growth more than money.
You understand that, in the 3D world, while you could continue to leverage technology for wealth, it comes at a significant cost. But that’s OK because the world you want isn’t 3D.
In the world you want, real people don’t become slaves to the bigger better faster disaster. Why? Because in the world you want, innovation doesn’t mean doing something bigger better and faster.
In the world you want, entrepreneurs don’t masturbate for social cred; they don’t just launch, sell, and take profits from cookie-cutter versions of what’s making everything worse. Instead, they visualize what must be done when the 3D world can no longer cope with pandemic, climate change, true social justice, authoritarianism, just to name a few. (Honestly, the clear ideas children have offered us on these things and more reveal how broken our 3D responses to them can be.)
The currency of the world you want is trust, based on a deep understanding that being human is much more than dumbing down your message to the least common social media denominator and claiming success based on how much of it The Algorithm lets you think you have. Your credibility is based on doing the right thing, and you don’t succumb to whiners who want you to re-justify or defend how right that thing is that you did.
In the world you want, people like you aren’t broken by 24/7 breaking news. Instead, people like you leverage their sustainable, trusted connections to visualize, create, and deploy truly innovative, world-changing, self-evident solutions that have no alternative facts and require no double-blind studies.
Simply put, in the world you want, people succeed by doing no harm. Rather than collaborating to beat The Algorithm, in the world you want harmful algorithms have lost their charm.
Because you understand that a superior vision does no harm. That paradox is the way. That humor destroys people’s fascination with numbers. And that, when you join with others who see this opportunity too, you find your true power. Every other way of being suddenly feels forced, lame, worn out, and old.
This doesn’t mean you opt out of the 3D world. Instead, you become more accepting of it. You allow it to machinate on its fascinations while you pursue what matters most: improving consciousness. Your won consciousness.
So, you have worked hard to improve your consciousness, and you use that power wisely. You take time to sift through who you know and what they do. The 3D lexicons such as “know your why,” “the tyranny of the how,” “be authentic,” “do your own research,” and “take massive action” suddenly become lighthouse beacons warning you away from their shallow waters. You notice how invested the majority of people are in chasing 3D tail, and how much room that creates for your own new-consciousness endeavors.
You begin to see two things:
This paradox keeps you awake at night. How much would it cost? What minimum requirements must be met to move toward the answer? Who do I know and trust who might be thinking the same way? Will they join me?
As you reflect, you notice that the me-me of social media seems more and more like a burden: a vital part of poking the 3D consciousness but not a tool for improving that consciousness. Sure, it’s a great place to play platitudes and aphorisms, but it’s not a gymnasium where anyone does the heavy lifting you had to do to improve your consciousness. And, since real work and social media don’t mix, you discard social media in your future vision.
You begin to wonder how you will find likeminded people who share your path, especially since popular 3D consciousness is invested in the assumption that social media is where to look for them.
You know you can’t do this alone. That you need a trusted team of collaborators around you. That every one of them must have already reached a place in their individual consciousness similar to yours. And, instead of reaching out to people you know, you become more quiet than you have ever been in your life up until now.
You’re not alone.
Even though you’ve probably never met me, please know that you have at least one colleague out there. That I believe you are thinking in the right way. Keep doing that.?
It took courage to get to where you are. Many will stay in the closet and never boldly take the step to own their new consciousness power in public. That’s honorable too; if it ever becomes safer to wear your new consciousness out in the 3D world, there are others who will notice and appreciate you, but they will be the early adopters, not a pioneer like you.
There are also pretenders, who talk the talk without ever having walked it. These repeaters aren’t you, even though they write best-sellers and have huge followings. It’s a growing crowd, but they aren’t courageous the way you are. They’re still clinging to success as if success were the goal, and you we both know that real success isn’t a masquerade ball. But we are grateful for the repeaters because they are preparing many more people for what we already know. It’s free 3D marketing, given to us as a gift by a more-slowly-evolving mass consciousness. And we are grateful.
We know that true success - your success - isn’t about making your own version of the never-ending Star Wars sequels and spin-offs movies. Your real success is so much more. You search diligently for tools to bring you closer to the potential you know you have, and you do the hard work of actually changing who you are by changing how you think. Then you do it again. And again. It is slow, agonizing, and incredibly rewarding, and there’s no way you can stop now.
As you confidently sail the deep channel between the 3D shallows you feel the distance between you and everyone else growing wider and wider. As that safe 3D harbor open out to the deep blue ocean of what is possible and the shoreline fades behind you until you are surrounded by endless horizon you begin to recognize both the loneliness and the thrill that come from true uncharted exploration. You know you are up to the task - every single moment of your life up until now has prepared you for this voyage.
You know that the journey doesn’t have to be, solo, epic, or record-breaking. No need to Red Bull it. No need for daring-do; everyone has a compelling 3D story like that now, anyway. We are talking about the change of consciousness here, which is the most sacred and the most terrifying journey of all. It’s not for mass consumption, it’s for you.
Maybe it’s your first time into the dark night of the soul or maybe you often frequent the heart of darkness but those are just metaphors for the real work. Tales of the heroic journey are meant to both warn the toe-dippers and the repeaters away from any vain attempt to prove their worthiness in public and to offer committed travelers like you hope for what might be achieved. Assuming you have learned to pull the sword from the stone then face your nemesis with hard-won skills, almost no armor, and plenty of insight, all while you keep your pride close to your heart and openly wear the mark of your humility on your sleeve, you’ve a good chance of surviving the quest and gaining the insight you’re after.
The hardest part, as you no doubt know, is wanting to bring those you love along with you on the journey. You’ve learned that the quest to improve consciousness is solo work; until you’ve begun to master new insights, people may look askance and wonder exactly how crazy you have become. After all, taking the heroic journey seems foolish to everyone who’s comfortable riding The Algorithm regardless of the cost to them or anyone else.
But you have understanding and compassion. You have won the kind of compassion that allows those you love to find their own way, perhaps based on your example or perhaps based on the example of ancient wisdom they will encounter and learn in their own time. You understand this, and accept it.
You are prepared for the kind of loneliness that accompanies the deep spiritual work of improving consciousness. You’re not alone there, either, since you are following the example of the many great teachers who’ve spent lonely time wandering the desert of understanding and paying the price for their inspiration in solitude. It’s OK; when you return, those familiar to you will ostracize you; an opportunity awaits you far beyond what friends and family could bring.
This encouragement is all about you. You’ve come here, today, right now, because you were meant to. Let’s not quibble about that. Your reasons for reading this are yours, and they are noble not crazy, deeply embedded in your being not sales-y teasers, actual promises you made to yourself not some new offer. You’re already doing the work, and you’re meant to.
The great joy in my life is walking alongside people who, like you and me, would not be where we are without one another. I thank the guides who’ve accompanied me and I thank you for taking a few minutes together with me. I appreciate your work. Keep doing it. It really is all about you, and, if you ever want to include a new partner in your consciousness work, please reach over to me.
With respect