It's All About the Process.
Keith Hartman
Life-long learner, thrive on change. Retired corporate and business exec. Community volunteer, and Roanoke Valley booster.
"To live for results would be to sentence myself to continuous frustration. My only sure reward is in my actions and not from them."
-- Hugh Prather
We can’t control the results in our lives.
There’s really no way of getting around it. You can do everything right, work hard and still not get the result you wanted.
Acknowledging that fact can do one of two things for you:
1. It can be a source of frustration as you curse the unfairness of it all.
2. It can be wonderfully freeing, because once you accept it, you can focus 100 percent of your attention on your EFFORT and PROCESS both of which are under your control.
One of the best phrases that I’ve heard that helps remind me of this concept is, “That’s outside my boat.” It came out of broadcaster Steve Jones' interview with some rowers on the 1996 U.S. Olympic team.
When Jones asked them about things like the weather or how other teams might perform against them, their reply was: That's outside my boat.
Today, recognize what is inside and what is outside of your boat. Focus on what’s inside and let the rest go.
Win Your Day!
Steve Gilbert