It's Not All About Food!
Samaa Al-Moussalli??????
Cognitive Educational Psychologist Practitioner. Founder, Consultant, and Neuro Therapy Coach of Rising Brains. Ltd
Keeping the brain stimulated, whether physically or mentally, is a lifelong enterprise that can continually increase its cognitive reserve, allowing the brain greater flexibility to tolerate age-related changes without developing memory loss and other cognitive difficulties. Participation in sports and leisure activities, higher education, intellectual exchange, work complexity, socializing with friends and family, and even our sleep - all contribute to our ability to sustain cognitive function well into our old age, giving us sharp memories and reducing the risk of Alzheimer's. With the minimum of drawbacks and plenty of benefits, a well-rounded, healthy lifestyle can improve our general health, protecting and supporting our brains over the course of a lifetime. We will explore which specific physical exercises, intellectual and social activities, and even sleep habits are necessary to keep our brains fine toning at peak performance level.