It’s All About the "Details" ….Trump-Harris Economic Campaign Rhetoric …. Bottom Line---who can grow American GDP?

It’s All About the "Details" ….Trump-Harris Economic Campaign Rhetoric …. Bottom Line---who can grow American GDP?

Baby Boomer’s are a generation for the most part strongly influenced by their parents-grandparents thinking

…our lives were comfortable without need

Yet this more stable state of existence was constantly reminded with the proviso of many themes of the Post Great Depression America.


I remember in the second grade someone from the Franklin Saving Bank coming to our school handing out Ben Franklin Piggy Banks and blank savings bonds books that you gave money each week to your teacher that would then stamp this book and when completed you got a Savings Bond


All these Working-Class Family (like me) children had their own saving account where money from birthdays and other events was deposited

The strange thing was we never spent any of this money

…..I remember in my early twenties when my mom reminding me about this passbook savings – I’d completely forgotten about it


Life before the credit card boom was just so simple

…if you didn’t have it---- you didn’t spend it

Frugality was preached as a virtue

Economic Security was more important than anything

There was No Free Lunch as the individual had to make their way into the world and with diligence would continue to rise in their station of life


This American Philosophy along with an excellent Public Education System was the upward mobility escalator that in the ebbs and flows—the up and downs of our lives produce for just so many of us as my grandfather told me

….a Happy Old Age


Our current world is most connected in its Global Complexity and opportunity

…especially this type of upward mobile education is expensive

…becoming beyond the reach of many


The model is changing right before our eyes


Homeownership the bedrock of the Post WW II – GI Legislation is becoming more and more difficult to attain for young people

Due to an aberrant greed of the plutocracy and Fortune 500 it is far more challenging to amass the hard assets and real property to possess this type of Old School Economic Security

The other day I was speak with my School District Business Admin in our usual Old School… Reagan- Tip O’Neil types of chats

How much Net Worth do you need to retire in 2040?

I said…Three Million ?

He laughed….. probably five million

...Yah-- Five Million Inflated dollars that back in the day less than a million would provide the same security



Old School folks like me are totally liquid ….no debt—our assets equal our Net Worth that with ample cash flow just keeps growing

We live without to achieve that status

…most people today do not have this type of discipline


Still worse due the failed economic policies of many Administrations

…rampant inflation destabilizes the already fugit economy

As we live in times where people are comfortable with carrying massive amount of personal debt ?

This model has made the corporations vastly rich but has choked off the Cash Flow of most families to the point that the quality of their life is declining or under stress

…Inflation that vastly increased above wages is killing us


As you can see our Government Officials have provided a model which favors Big Business which have gobbled more and more of the economic pie

American Consumers have rewarded Big Business by a wild acceleration of spending to the tune of four trillion in consumer debt—a record

Biden Administration cheers this trend on as Consumers Spending is seventy percent of the Economy

This of course boulters the Eco Stats that is positive Political Capital of how well they are managing the economy


Meanwhile to fill the gap…expensive government program further dumps more money into the economy

…as the US Treasury just keeps printing more inflated dollars

As the Nation Debt loom larger and larger over shadowing of GDP

…its carrying cost interest soars beyond of annual defense spending and soon to eclipse even Medicare


The entire economic model is on borrowed time

…while the Congress/Senate pass higher and higher debt ceilings

..Kicking the Can Down the Road


We’re in Campaign Season

Within an election that is one of Economic Existentialism

It not just about Donald or Kamala

…but about the policy wonks and intellects that advise them


Kamala’s ?loves Big Government Programs and now has become also embroiled with enforcing Big Government legislation

Her Price Governances …using Robinson Patman or the Clayton Act was na?ve

…just go ask the Nixon geniuses that did this to our detriment at the time

Price controls cannot be used singularly but most be part of a more comprehensive process


Fed’s 50 Basis Point decrease was pure politics in order to reducing carrying cost interest and alleviate American Consumers

All these things are smoke and mirrors to convince the public that Biden/Harris has put America on a sound Economic Path

Harris’s greatest deficit is her ability to climb down into the weeds and specifically tells us how this sausage is going to be made in the back room

How are all these pie in the sky programs integrated to grow GDP?

That's the Bottom Line--


Donald who’s on “Message” these days --- very specific and still more obvious extremely comfortable discussing the details.

He articulates sweeping measures to reduce taxes, regulation and to attempt to jumpstart this economy by creating more tax incentives, bringing in capital that is now within International Markets, increasing Production- Manufacturer Compacity

…while at the same time

…lowering expense to the average taxpayer/consumer who will have more money in their pocket

…which in the current model will increase consumer spending

…that will in conjunction with the Production – Corporate will


……Expand the Economy which will grow the GDP and bring a more acceptable ratio to the American GDP to National Debt

He explains this much better than her--- as Donald is much more of a constructive thinker



Trump echoes some very Progressive if not even Bernie Sanders tones as calling for capping Credit Card Interest at 10.99%


Not to be out done AG Garland now suing Visa for Fraud

The game here is to convince the voters who will best bring this economy to a safe harbor

....many people are in the red with their cash flow

.....inflation- spending habits and massive debt

As Harris speaks about being the savior of the Middle Class


Still – I remember $5.00 per gallon Joe Biden Gasoline in 2021-2022

Cost me – an extra $3000 per year


My nearly $5.00 per gallon #2 Fuel Oil

Cost me – an extra $ 4000 to heat my house


The $10 Jar of Mayonnaise that used to be $4

Cost me -- more an extra $5000

Meanwhile we pay tens of thousands in taxes -- especially property tax- $4000 more

?For my family these are just mere inconveniences

These cold hard facts point to the people that have been paying more and getting a lot less

?..all under the Biden/ Harris Administration


Harris’s rhetoric ( Opportunity Economy ) is a disjoined and a hollow situational attempt to band aid deep systemic faults in not just our economy but in consumer behavior

Trump’s rhetoric forecast a “hopeful” attempt in a comprehensive manner to change some of the economic dynamics

Yet …his proposals are just that concepts to heal a devolving situation that need serious systemic consideration.

Initiatives need to be forwarded that will create opportunity for homeownership, incentives to increase savings- investment along with new business


On November 5th more than just a candidate we are voting for the influencers, policies and programs needed to improve the foundational economics of the Nation


While many speak of the Democracy being on the ballot

The future economic vitality of your families is much more the Existential Question

There is No Free Lunch and even more than Corporate Greed and Congressional Dysfunction in WDC

The basic behavior of American Consumers is an educational initiative that would yield an exponential benefit to our Economic Vigor

While the world may have changed

...Real Assets, Net Worth, Cash along with professional credentials are a warm blanket that provides comfort on even the coldest winter's night

More than campaign promises ....voters need to hear the truth


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