It's all a bit of a Do... Chair :)
It does appear when it comes to chairs, that this is one of those to keep your eye out for. Once again I repeat what I hear so often, put your money where your bottom is...
Seriously folks, your desk is purely an anti gravity device for paper, and don't get me wrong, I love my sit stand-ability of my desk which certainly puts the price up... However having a comfortable chair for me to recover from an hour or two on my feet is definitely the place to invest your hard earned...
Chairs come at various price points with different looks, feels, ergonomic capabilities.... Our Director of Sales really knows his stuff when it comes to chairs, so if your looking to equip your office, a little time on the phone will enable us to arrange to bring a couple of chairs which will meet your budgetary, aesthetic and ergonomic needs.
Do.... take a seat :)