It's all in the Balance
We hear more about balance than ever before.?Balancing work, the hours, the demands, and the stress.?Balancing life, our health, our families, and checkbooks.?Most of the advice you find on balance is in advice on the things you can "do" to get it.?These lists are helpful to get our balance back; however, how far have we had to go to lose our balance that now has to be redefined and found??No barometer tells us when we are getting out of balance, just a loud thump when we hit rock bottom, falling off of the path, tripping over ourselves, face down, with everyone around us telling us to pick ourselves up by our bootstraps.?Rather than offering lists on how to get balance, how about pre-reads of the signs that indicate things are starting to get topsy before they are turvy?
To be able to take advice on how to be "in balance," you have to know what makes up each side of the scale that is your balance.?What amount of each thing in your life must exist in perfect balance to keep you from tumbling down??Once you can define balance, you can write your list of what out-of-balance looks like.?Timing is critical in writing this list because doing it when you are out of balance is like looking for the path while lying flat on your back.?
"You can't see the forest for the trees" - John Heywood
?Using my life as an example, I know that my non-negotiables are my family, my health (yes, I know this is second on my list, I am working on this!), my friends, my career, and all other things in the world.?Putting all these on the scale is truly an exercise in the finest balance.?Too much of any one thing throws me off into a spin cycle that creates a hurricane of activity around me that becomes a forcefield against any help with defenses up and openness down.?(Sigh)
Despite my acknowledgment of the importance of balance, I inevitably allow my passion for the moment to take over more often than I wish to admit.?If only there was a flag that would wave when everything else in my life starts to get out of balance.?There isn't a flag or a siren, and most of the time, no one is even paying attention until flags and sirens are required to get your attention!?
This will not serve as another list; no one needs yet another list.?Instead, this is a cry for solidarity for us all to be our own barometer of balance.?Stop every day and check yourself.?Check your balance before mounting the beam and deciding what dismount to attempt!
Inspired by the "…forest for the trees…" I use it as a tale of two paths:
A Tale of Unbalance:
Here you stand in the middle of the most beautiful forest.?You walk in, heading down a guided path, well-worn and manicured.?Oh wait, is that a unicorn up ahead??Run, catch up to it, follow it into the trees, off the path, down to the water, hopping from one slippery rock to another, and then WHACK…you are down face-up, looking at a canopy of treetops above you.?Where am I??How did I get here??Am I hurt??Can I stand on my own??(Let alone find bootstraps, who wears boots with straps anyway!!!)?How do I find my way out??Do I call for help, or do I attempt to figure it out on my own??This is how it happens, proverbially, at least.?
A Tale of Balance:
Here you stand in the middle of the most beautiful forest.?You walk in, heading down a guided path, well-worn and manicured by your hands, that created this balanced path throughout your life.?Oh wait, is that a unicorn up ahead??Sit, be quiet, and give it the respect you deserve to meet each other right where you are on your respective paths.?If you decide to follow, do so from afar, and you can never stray too far from your path.?Take what you need from this moment, perspective and passion with patience.?Add it to your scales of balance by first taking inventory of what you must give up to add it, doing it mindfully.
The lesson of these two paths is a lesson in mindfulness, yours.?A lesson that those things that you have lined up along your path should never get in your way.?They should not be obstacles.?The moment these things threaten to trip you up is your sign.?This is the pivotal moment you can stop and readjust before jumping over obstacles.?One or two obstacles breed perseverance, but more than that threatens your balance, leaving you searching lists on the internet about how to regain your balance.?Don't lose it, and you won't have to search for it.?Treasure your balance.?Respect it as clearly to have it is a prize only awarded to those willing to put themselves first on the list.
I cannot resist concluding with quotes from my favorite poem.?Remember, when it comes to balance, you decide.?You always decide, choices and consequences.?Choose well and stay balanced.?
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
?Life as I live it - L.