It's about...Entrepreneur 5:00 P.M. To 9:00 A.M.

It's about...Entrepreneur 5:00 P.M. To 9:00 A.M.

For all future bright entrepreneurs, a book must read prompted by Ashish M. - Entrepreneur 5:00 P.M. To 9:00 A.M.

One of my colleagues always used to talk about many business ideas which used to randomly pop up on his mind. Everyone always thought that he should be running a business rather than serving any other organization.

Looking at all the discussions used to happen across lunch table almost every day, I always wondered - Why he is NOT stepping up to do what he thinks?

With a curiosity to find an answer putting myself in his shoes, I just gave a thought and immediately my mind cluttered with many questions -

But being in job.....

 -  What to do?

 -  ?How to do it?

 -  What about the financials and income I earn?

 -  How I will take care of my current responsibilities?  

 - Will I really succeed in what I will choose as a business?

 -  Shall I take that risk?

We are always in Catch-22. To be or not to be? 

Though people in employment are happily :) [or with no option :( ] enjoying their current profession, some of them are always bugged with the thought of doing something different than the routine job. Most commonly with the dream of owning a business, becoming an entrepreneur.

While everyone is trying to forcefully enjoy and engage in Covid-19 lockdown, I thought of trying to find an answer for my friend and for many alike him. Probably the first step, I thought to know is the other side of the original provoking thought and prepare for the first step.

With the curiosity to explore how to get there, my recent read the book - Entrepreneur 5 P.M. TO 9 A.M. LAUNCHING A PROFITABLE STARTUP WITHOUT QUITTING YOUR JOB by Kanth Miriyala and Reethika Sundar, answers it all.

It defines “Zero to Launch” - the road map of becoming an entrepreneur by taking calculated risks. It begins with understanding of self-strengths, passions, and purposes working on and reaching out target Segment, people’s problems and solutions and the payable costs.

To feed our dreams, to fulfill our desires and goals it is necessary to reduce the fear.

We need to make our dream greater than our fear by taking the actions. As well it is a must to get rid of the excuse “I don’t have time.”

Enterprises are created by passion, vision and persistence, not always with money.

Authors have put forward the Hedgehog concept by Jim Collins: ”The way to succeed in business is by doing one thing really, really well.”

To find our own path, it is equally important to build the team, choose the modern tools, mobile technology, network marketing, social entrepreneurship, inbound marketing, cultivating good habits and good qualities.

Sometimes we alone are not enough and need a co-hand. Perhaps, it's good to team up a co person. Still, picking up a co-founder who will stay long till the goal is achieved is little bit tricky and needs appropriate fitment. 

The authors very well said that for every excuse we have, there is someone who has faced that obstacle or worse and has made it.  A Right Mentor is vital to stay focus on our objectives, save our time and money. Learn from other’s experience - possibly get another entrepreneur as an advisor who has succeeded in what you need to do.

From the customer development aspects, author praises the Four Actions Framework - Create, Raise or Keep, Eliminate and Reduce. based on “Blue Ocean strategy” by W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne.

Authors advise us to keep focus,engage customers from the beginning, and interact continuously with them. One must follow the Lean Startup Methodology - ‘test early, test frequently’.

Be observant, share ideas, asks questions to people and make a note of challenges, construct stories with real data. From the business development aspect viral growth of the product reduces the customer acquisition cost. The overall constructive and exemplified handy approach shared in this book signifies rolling out a product, a business by minimizing the cost.

The one thing which echoed me the most is instead of putting more emphasis on improving weakness, focus on our strengths so called bright spot analysis. Focus on what is working well. Test-learn-refine is an essential continuous process and to study our bright spots is the main key to success.

Author’s true experience is reflected with the words: Startups fail when either the entrepreneurs lose their fire and stop persisting or when they run out of money.

The most important take away I had is: the Start-Up Journey, like every journey, begins with a decision to begin.  

Sometimes we take our best shot and miss it.


Try Again!!! :)

Thanks - Ashish M.

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4 年

Thanks for the insightful review.. Ashish


