It's 2020, do you know how much your company is worth?
1stWEST M&A provides objective third-party company valuation services for a fee of $5,000, or $4,500 for LinkedIn contacts. The valuation is delivered as a written statement from 1stWEST M&A on our letterhead, as a PDF. The statement is our appraisal of what your company would sell for on the market today, or at a set period of time in the past or in the future, based on financial assumptions.
To arrive at its valuation estimate, 1stWEST M&A accesses a proprietary database from GF Data Resources, which reports out on recent values paid for companies similar to yours. (This raw data will be included in our valuation estimate, with call-outs to explain the GF Data Resources reports.)
The appraisal can be completed in under two weeks time once we have the required financial reports to work from.
Should you also wish to have a phone consultation with 1stWEST M&A personnel to walk through the valuation appraisal, that is offered as part of the $5,000 fee.