iTrailReadiness Program!
I've started a number of businesses, invested in many startups, and help numerous others with their startups. This program combines all of the wisdom, experiences, knowledge I've gained over the years into a system designed by Gridwell. Imagine having a system that helps you evaluate yourself, your team, your opportunity to know what strengths/weaknesses are present. AND being connected to a small/intimate support group of other entrepreneurs to help you be successful. AND having (12) monthly meetings to share best practices and learn from each other. AND getting paired with VERY specific mentors with experience and resources in your sector. AND having a plan taking you from startup to exit. AND a system that allows you to track your progress every 90 days to evaluate, update, plan. AND we connect you to capital you need (bank, private equity, seed, venture). more thing...we're right beside you every step of your customized path for the next 5,7,10 years...we're here! get all of this for $100/year!
Join us this Thursday, July 9th to get started on your path! RSVP for this event