It'll Sail Smoothly
Having had a very early appointment before heading over to St. Paul Lutheran this morning, I found myself too short on time to run thru the hymns I was to play, so it ended up being not the best I've done over there, and by the time it was all over, I decided I must've been in one of my rare funks. One thing I'm going to do before my next scheduled date to play, is purchase a new light for their piano, and definitely one that's specifically designed for a keyboard because the desk lamps they have perched atop their piano and organ, are overly-bright and too focused, to where the one's meant for piano and organ, are long bands with softer lighting. I really noticed how bad it was when trying to play seven pages of music that were spread across the holder. I just happened to lose my place, but thank goodness I kept on playing until I was able to jump back in with the singing congregation. Oh well, learning from our mistakes just makes us better. Right?
After their Services were over, I had to skedaddle back to office for a meeting with a buyer who wanted to make an offer on a home I showed her Friday. Fortunately, I arrived before she did, which allowed for me to be fully prepared before she and parents arrived.
I spent nearly an hour going over everything, as well as explaining the time frame and things that needed to be done from the moment an offer is accepted, up to and thru the actual closing. I was exceptionally glad she had her parents along, just so they were also up to speed with their daughter's first-home purchase. Fortunately, they'd recently gone thru the selling process of a home and still fresh in their minds.
The father proceeded to share some of their unfortunate confrontations with their home's buyers, and all due to a crazy inspection report that one of our many un-licensed home inspectors provided them. Once I found out the name of that person, I became very cold while saying, "I have absolutely no respect for that man's ability to provide a true picture of a home's condition." I didn't waste a moment in telling them that I'd recently lost the sale of a home due to his comments and suppositions about a good home I have listed. The buyers walked, but I'm sure that inspector was smiling all the way to the bank as he was depositing the check given him for his "so-called" inspection. Once again, I truly believe any and all people who set themselves out as home inspectors in our State of Iowa, should be licensed by our State, and before they're given their licenses, they'd have to be tested-out, just like our many other licensed professionals. They should also be required to take mandatory continuing education courses just like real estate professionals do. I'm telling you, some of those inspectors are loose cannons while inspecting residential dwellings. I could write an entire chapter on the grossly inaccurate judgement calls they've made on homes over the years which caused good homes to fall out of contract. Shame on them.
I was delighted to find my buyer along with her parents "in like" with the interior of my office, and especially when hearing them speak about the massive undertaking they had after deciding to perform a full restoration and upgrade on their previous home. Since I've personally done enough restoration work to consider myself semi-educated with the process, it was good to hear about another's struggles to bring life back into a vintage home. You can be sure I'll be keeping in touch with them because they're plain and simply, darned good folks.
One of my dear friends stopped by my office while I was with the buyer, so I had to meet him at the door and tell him I was with customers. I'd not seen or heard from him for over a week, so I'll have to call him in the morning, just to ask why he stopped, as well as share some of my recent happenings in our world of real estate.
After my buyer and parents left, I picked up the phone and called the seller, and glad he picked up on a late Sunday morning. I proceeded to go over the offer with him, and to my delight, he decided to take it, so I emailed him a copy of the original for review. Later this afternoon, I received it back with all required signatures and initials, so I forwarded it on to the buyer, along with leaving a message for her. I did tell her earlier that the seller accepted it, so hopefully it'll sail smoothly to closing.
The remainder of my afternoon was spent on outdoor work, and fortunately I had enough water with me because I was sweating like a butcher. As I've said for years, it's very important to keep oneself hydrated when out working in the heat, and today I believe I went thru a half gallon of water. Oh well, I managed to get what I wanted done, and that's all that mattered.
Since I had my camera with me, I took the above photo which at first glance, looked like a stone out-cropping, but in reality, it was a de-composing tree trunk. Isn't it interesting when seeing how once live things, mimic the erosion of mountains? I mentioned to one of my dear ones several days ago, how important I believe it is for people to slow themselves down enough to where they see things that others miss, and only due to being on theirs races to nowhere. It's no wonder many of the mystics were able to come up with timeless life-lessons for others, and simply because they were able to more readily slow themselves down while living in near solitude.
Over the years, I've known a good number of the "hermit' types, and usually always able to get close enough to them to realize they were fully enjoying their quiet lives of solitary living. I've never once felt sorry for anyone who appears comfortable with such life choices. Yes, there certainly are different strokes for different folks.
Tonight's One-liner is: It takes one person to forgive, and two to be reunited.
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