Iterative Structure
Vikram Shetty ??
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Today, we will look into the structure for the year 2024 and plan for it. This year, we created a roadmap. We wanted to be more flexible and iterative this year. This year, there is a robust training programme so that they get multiple chances to get back into the weekly Scorecard Day.
I write this article based on the insight of my conversation with my team in our monthly 1-on-1 call. I speak with each one of my team members. This article is to share the question of this week and our method to work on it. You can subscribe to the Building Our Team newsletter (2500+ subscribers)
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Goal for this year
Create a simple interactive Scorecard in 1 day
The practice is to dedicate every Friday to investing in creating a Scorecard. We will do it until we complete 3 checkpoints.
We will move to the next checkpoints once we qualify the below 7 points
var checkpoint = 1
while week < 40 do
Perform Scorecard Day
Take Me Day
if team is happy & the client will pay
checkpoint = checkpoint + 1
end if
If checkpoint > 3
exit while
end while
Only Lead Success Metric
Completing 40 Scorecard days with maximum participation.
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