Itec Collaborate with Franchise Owner and Business Wales Mentor

Itec Collaborate with Franchise Owner and Business Wales Mentor

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John Robert Endicott is a recognised entrepreneur in Wales and role model for the Welsh Government. ?John volunteers for Business Wales and mentors 32 business' across Bridgend while running his own motor repair business franchise across South and North Wales.?

John was invited by Itec as a guest speaker to engage with young people on the Jobs Growth Wales Plus programme in Itec’s Bridgend centre. While there he was introduced to learner Jackson Hill, who showed a keen interest in mechanics.??

Jackson joined Itec Bridgend Nov 23 in hope to gain employability skills and work experience. He had tried a placement before in mechanics, but it was very short lived due to anxiety, attendance and confidence issues. Jackson was interested in John’s motivational speeches?and asked to try a placement again.???

Facilitated by Itec Employability Officer Gareth Williams, John soon agreed to give Jackson a placement at his company ‘Collect my Wheels’. Gareth said, “give a person the right environment and they will grow."

John was aware of the barriers Jackson faced so structured his daily tasks and provided a sense responsibility in a safe environment.?

Through close mentorship, Jackson began to flourish, this was noticed by his family and peers and his family have often thanked John for the guidance, support and awareness of his needs. The placement has hugely impacted Jacksons life.?

John said, "Jackson carries out all tasks competently and his attendance is great. Now that Jackson has improved and showed commitment, I would like to further him by offering him an Apprenticeship. Some young people only need an arm around them to point them into the right direction.”?

Jackson said, "I feel a part of the team and like to learn new things, I am looking forward to the future.”?

Itec Employability?Officer?Team?Leader Ruth Sainsbury said, "We are immensely proud of the collaboration with this employer and the achievement of furthering Jackson’s career. This outcome is evidence of how the right mentors and employers have a huge impact on our learners’ lives. Itec staff in the JGW+ centres provide the foundational skills for learners to flourish in the right environment for their benefit and the employers. Good luck for your apprenticeship, Jackson!"??

Itec yn Cydweithio a Pherchennog Fasnachfraint a Mentor Busnes Cymru?

Mae John Robert Endicott yn entrepreneur cydnabyddedig yng Nghymru ac yn fodel r?l i Lywodraeth Cymru. ?Mae John yn gwirfoddoli i Fusnes Cymru ac yn mentora 32 busnes ar draws Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr wrth redeg ei busnes fasfachraint gyweirio moduron ei hun ar draws De a Gogledd Cymru.?

Gwahoddwyd John gan Itec fel siaradwr gwadd i ymgysylltu a phobl ifanc ar raglen Twf Swyddi Cymru+ yng nghanolfan Itec ym Mhen-y-bont ar Ogwr. Tra yno cafodd ei gyflwyno i'r dysgwr Jackson Hill, a ddangosodd ddiddordeb brwd mewn mecaneg.?

Ymunodd Jackson ag Itec Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr yn Tachwedd 23 efo’r gobaith o ennill sgiliau cyflogadwyedd a phrofiad gwaith. Roedd wedi rhoi cynnig ar leoliad mewn mecaneg o'r blaen, ond bu'n fyrhoedlog iawn oherwydd pryder, presenoldeb a phroblemau hyder. Roedd gan Jackson ddiddordeb yn areithiau ysgogol John a gofynnodd i roi cynnig ar leoliad eto.?

Wedi’i hwyluso gan Swyddog Cyflogadwyedd Itec Gareth Williams, cytunodd John yn fuan i roi lleoliad i Jackson yn ei gwmni ‘Collect my Wheels’. Dywedodd Gareth, “rhowch yr amgylchedd iawn i berson a byddan nhw’n tyfu.”

Roedd John yn ymwybodol o'r rhwystrau a wynebai Jackson felly strwythurodd ei dasgau dyddiol a darparu synnwyr cyfrifoldeb mewn amgylchedd diogel.?

Trwy fentora agos, dechreuodd Jackson ffynnu, a sylwyd ar hyn gan ei deulu a'i gyfoedion ac mae ei deulu yn aml wedi diolch i John am yr arweiniad, y gefnogaeth a'r ymwybyddiaeth o'i anghenion. Mae'r lleoliad wedi cael effaith aruthrol ar fywyd Jackson.?

Dywedodd John, "Mae Jackson yn cyflawni pob tasg yn fedrus ac mae ei bresenoldeb yn wych. Nawr bod Jackson wedi gwella ac wedi dangos ymrwymiad, hoffwn ei hyrwyddo ymhellach trwy gynnig Prentisiaeth iddo. Dim ond braich o'u cwmpas sydd ei angen ar rai pobl ifanc i'w pwyntio i yn y cyfeiriad cywir.”?

Dywedodd Jackson, "Rwy'n teimlo'n rhan o'r t?m ac yn hoffi dysgu pethau newydd, rwy'n edrych ymlaen at y dyfodol."?

Meddai Ruth Sainsbury, Arweinydd T?m Cyflogadwyedd Itec, "Rydym yn hynod falch o'r cydweithio gyda'r cyflogwr hwn a'r cyflawniad o hybu gyrfa Jackson. Mae'r canlyniad hwn yn dystiolaeth o sut mae'r mentoriaid a'r cyflogwyr cywir yn cael effaith enfawr ar fywydau ein dysgwyr. Mae staff yng nghanolfannau TSC+ Itec yn darparu’r sgiliau sylfaenol i ddysgwyr ffynnu yn yr amgylchedd cywir er eu lles nhw a’r cyflogwyr Pob lwc yn eich prentisiaeth, Jackson!”


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