An itch, a whisper, and A House for Monsters...

An itch, a whisper, and A House for Monsters...

I have an itch.

?It’s the kind of itch that, sooner or later, needs the hell scratching out of it.

?It’s the kind of itch that yells to be noticed, paid attention to, and definitely not ignored under any circumstances.

?Interestingly… it’s also the kind of itch that has an internal voice attached to it.

?The kind of voice that sometimes whispers in my ear, and sometimes yells so loud that it drowns out every other noise.

The first time I heard my internal voice was when I was writing my debut crime novel, A Time for Dying.

I’d read crime fiction for most of my life, so I was no stranger to the darker side of life.

However…with the first one I wrote, my internal voice was as quiet as a church mouse with laryngitis.

That is, until I was about a dozen or so pages. Then I heard a whisper. Soft at first. Almost imperceptible. But growing louder with every chapter.

Then the whisper changed to a yell, the darker the story became, and the nearer my heroes closed in on the kill…or at least the capture.

And then a curious thing happened.

By the time I’d reached the end of my story, my voice grew quiet. Almost as if the itch had been well and truly scratched.

And it stayed that way until, six months later, I began my second crime book. The sequel to the first. With most of the same main characters…but with a vicious new serial killer.

Here’s how it happened…early one morning, I woke from my sleep with an old familiar itch somewhere deep inside my head. I sat up in bed, grabbed the notebook I always keep primed and ready on my bedside table, and wrote four words…A House for Monsters. A potential title of the sequel. Then I went back to sleep and let my brain kick the shit out of those four words. And sure as hell, when I woke next morning, I had the germ of a story slowly taking shape in the space between my ears.

Same thing happened. First came the whispers, then came the yells, as A House for Monsters was born and grew from infancy into adulthood.

Now, that too is in the very capable hands of my publisher, Northodox Press, to work their magic and bring my characters to life once again.

No doubt they’re eager to get back to work. Hunting my latest serial killer. Bringing him to justice. Making their world a safer place to live in.

Anyway…fast forward a few busy months. A House for Monsters is available to pre-order from Northodox NOW, and will be ready to leap off the shelves at Northodox (online), Amazon, Waterstones, and all good book shops next February.

In the meantime, I can feel the itch of book number 3 in the DSI Tom McHale crime series beginning to scratch somewhere in a dark corner of my brain.

And I can hear the faint sound of a whisper growing louder with every passing day.

I better get my bedside notebook ready…


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