Alberto Maria Gallotti ?▄?▄?▄?▄?▄?
Volenti Nihil Difficile - Managing Partner at AMG LAW FIRM
Production offices / production activity preparation 2. Set / troupe / actors and extras
The protocol sets out the prevention and protection activities necessary in each of the aforementioned work environments / phases, as required by the "Shared protocol for regulating measures to combat and contain the spread of the Covid-19 virus in the workplace" signed by Government and workers' organizations on April 24, 2020.
The protocol assumes and considers the presence of:
? RSPP corporate security manager, a figure required by Legislative Decree 81/08, appointed by the company, who collaborates in drafting the DRV with the figures indicated below; ? Competent company physician, a person envisaged by Legislative Decree 81/08, who collaborates with RSPP;
? Committee for the application and verification of the rules of the regulatory protocol, which will include RSPP, COMPETENT DOCTOR, RLS at central or territorial level (Protocol April 24, 2020);
? Safety manager appointed by the RLS workers, another figure provided for by Legislative Decree 81/08, whose activity can be supported by the RLST (territorial safety representative appointed by trade unions), also providing advisory support to the figures referred to in the DL 81/08:
? Health professional and / or operational and emergency support rescuer on set for health issues;
? Covid representative, the responsible figure within the Committee. He must be chosen from among the other members of the Committee (RSPP, Medical Officer), alternatively the Healthcare Professional and / or Rescuer may be appointed for this purpose.
This protocol is subject to updates:
? in compliance with the ordinances of the competent national authorities and any more restrictive regional ordinances;
? in compliance with the ordinances of the competent health Authorities and any recommendations from the scientific community, in particular with regard to the choice and supply of the best health materials and PPE available.
This protocol, in all its parts, refers to the definition of "close contact" of the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC):
? a person living in the same house as a COVID-19 case;
? a person who has had direct physical contact with a COVID-19 case (eg handshake);
? a person who has had unprotected direct contact with the secretions of a COVID-19 case (for example, touching used paper tissues with bare hands);
? a person who has had direct contact (face to face) with a case of COVID-19, at a distance of less than 2 meters and lasting longer than 15 minutes;
? a person who has been in a closed environment (for example classroom, meeting room, hospital waiting room) with a case of COVID-19 for at least 15 minutes, at a distance of less than 2 meters;
? a healthcare professional or other person who provides direct assistance to a case of COVID19 or laboratory staff involved in handling samples of a case of COVID-19 without the use of recommended PPE or through the use of unsuitable PPE;
? a person who has traveled by sitting in an airplane in the two adjacent seats, in any direction, of a COVID-19 case, travel companions or assistance persons and crew members assigned to the section of the aircraft where the index case was seated (if the index case has a severe symptomatology or has moved within the plane, causing greater passenger exposure, consider all passengers seated in the same section of the plane or in the whole area as close contacts).
The epidemiological link may have occurred within a period of 14 days before or after the onset of the disease in the case under consideration.
This protocol assumes staff training as preliminary and mandatory activity in each of the phases / environments as distinguished and described below:
Staff training
All the staff of the production offices, of the preparation activities, of the set must receive specific training on the use of PPE and rules of social distancing. This activity should preferably be developed remotely (for example webinars or resources already available online) where possible and not through face to face courses, at least within the limits set out in Legislative Decree 81/08.
A commitment is required to responsibly comply with all provisions to address and contain the spread of the Covid-19 virus in and outside workplaces.
The activities are organized as follows:
1. General hygiene rules
The following hygiene standards must be maintained in the production offices / preparation rooms
? Make available hydroalcoholic solutions for hand washing.
? Avoid hugs and handshakes.
? Maintaining an interpersonal distance of at least one meter or, where necessary, use of masks and / or PPE as indicated by the Health Authority.
? Respiratory hygiene (sneezing and / or coughing in a handkerchief (disposable) avoiding contact of the hands with respiratory secretions).
? Avoid sharing of bottles and glasses.
? Do not touch your eyes, nose and mouth with your hands.
? Cover your mouth and nose if you sneeze or cough.
? Clean the surfaces daily with chlorine or alcohol based disinfectants.
? Avoid gatherings in common areas (for example in the canteen or other break areas).
? Eat meals keeping a distance of at least one meter.
? Avoid meetings unless strictly necessary. In case it is necessary to hold a meeting, keep a distance of at least one meter between the participants and / or PPE as indicated by the Health Authority
2. Use of DPs
? Adequate PPE must be provided to staff. These include: o surgical masks; o disposable gloves.
? The use of specific PPE, as indicated by the Health Authority, is mandatory if situations of close contact occur and it is not possible to maintain an interpersonal distance of at least one meter.
? The use of disposable gloves is mandatory in specific contexts, such as personnel in charge of cleaning rooms or catering or in the use of shared objects, such as work tools.
? Disposable gloves must be changed whenever they get dirty and properly disposed of in unsorted municipal waste.
? Disposable gloves should be changed whenever they come in contact with the mouth, nose and eyes.
? It is absolutely advisable to use contact tracing apps ("immune" apps or apps recommended by regional authorities).
3. Indoor environment management and sanitization of spaces
For the management of indoor environments, refer to the document produced by the ISS and available at -49cf- 9e41-a173-03e9ab18f00e? T = 1589185558757 .
They guarantee:
? a good exchange of air in all environments where workstations and staff are present, opening the various openings more frequently: windows and balconies.
? Daily cleaning of the most frequently touched surfaces (eg doors, handles, windows, glass, tables, light switches, toilets, taps, sinks, desks, chairs, passenger handles, keys, keyboards, remote controls, printers, vending machines ) by using soap and water and / or with 75% ethyl alcohol and subsequently with a 0.5% diluted sodium hypochlorite solution.
? In buildings equipped with specific ventilation systems (Controlled Mechanical Ventilation, CMV) that move air through a motor / fan and allow the exchange of the air of a building with the outside, it is advisable to keep active the input and extraction of the air 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (possibly with a decrease in ventilation rates during the night when the building is not used).
? In buildings equipped with specific ventilation systems (Controlled Mechanical Ventilation), the air recirculation function must be totally eliminated to avoid the possible transport of pathogens.
? The sanitization of the rooms must be carried out every time a SARS-COV2 test shows positive has for a person who has had access to the rooms (internal or external workers), in the last 9 days, upon the first use of the environment, and carried out periodically based on the type of location.
4. Outdoor environment management
? No specific indications are required for the management of outdoor environments, nor is sanitization procedure necessary, unless specific different needs are required. Mobile vehicles are considered indoor environments.
? It is however advisable to carry out daily cleaning of the most frequently touched surfaces (for example tables, furniture, toilets) by using water and soap and / or with 75% ethyl alcohol and subsequently with a diluted 0.5% sodium hypochlorite solution.
5. Symptomatology - Personal
? The presence of a body CT> 37.5, as well as the presence of symptoms compatible with COVID-19 (cough, fever, flu symptoms) must preclude access to the offices and other interested environments.
? The detection of fever or symptoms compatible with COVID-19 in a staff member must lead, where possible and according to the procedures laid down by the health authority, to the execution of a SARS-COV2 test and isolation of the person with symptoms awaiting the result of the swab, as per the instructions of the Health Authority.
? Reintegration into service is to be assessed on a case-by-case basis by the competent company doctor.
6. Swabs
The assessment of whether to perform swabs for SARS-COV2 should only be reserved to the competent medical staff and must follow the ministerial indications issued by the ISS . In general, the execution of the swabs must be reserved for personnel who:
? Have had close contact (see definition above) with a person with COVID-19 in the past 14 days.
? Have had close contact in the past 14 days with a person with COVID-19 compatible symptoms who has not performed SARS-COV2 swab.
? Have contracted COVID-19 infection documented by swab and have no confirmation by the health laboratory of recovery (negativite swab for SARS-COV2 repeated after 24 hours).
? Presents or has had COVID-19 compatible symptoms in the past 14 days and has no documentation of SARS-COV2 negative swab.
7. External access
? Access by external persons must be limited to cases of absolute necessity.
? Prerequisites for access by external persons must be their certification to the effect that they have not presented symptoms compatible with COVID-19 in the last 14 days and that they have not had close contacts in the last 14 days with a person with COVID-19 as well as measuring body temperature.
8. Canteen and common spaces
? Access to common spaces, including company canteens, must be organized with the provision of continuous ventilation of the premises, a reduced stationary time within these spaces and with the maintenance of the safety distance of one meter among the people therein.
? Periodic sanitisation and daily cleaning must be guaranteed with special detergents in the canteen rooms, on the keyboards of the drink and snack dispensers.
? Buffet consumption of food or drinks is never allowed.
9. Transportation of materials
? The personnel responsible for the transport of the material is to be considered in all respects as the other operators of the office / preparation / construction site activity and for this reason must follow the recommendations contained in this part of the document.
10. Procedure to be followed in the event of symptoms or positivity to a staff member's swab
? The presence of COVID-19 compatible symptoms (fever, cough or flu-like symptoms) in a staff member should lead to:
- preclude access to the workplace for that person;
- and according to the procedures laid down by the health authority, performing a SARS-COV2 swab and isolating the person with symptoms pending the outcome of the swab.
? Positivity to the SARS-COV2 swab in a staff member should lead to:
- preclude access to the workplace for that person;
- fiduciary isolation;
- execution of swabs for all those in close contact (see definition above);
- preclude access to work environments from close contacts pending the result of the swab;
- sanitizing of offices and all indoor work environments;
? reintegration will be possible upon recovery (negative swab for SARS-COV2 repeated after 24 hours).
? If a member of staff is in close contact (contact with a person positive to COVID-19 in the last 14 days) it is advisable to:
- preclude access to the workplace for that person; o execution of swab for SARS-COV2 and isolation.
11. Competent company doctor
The competent company doctor, in consultation with the 'Committee for the application and verification of the rules of the regulatory protocol', has the following functions:
? Ensure the execution of the training activity referred to in the premise, which will be handled by the Covid manager;
? Ensure compliance with the spacing procedures, use of PPE, isolation and testing of suspects as provided for in this document, activities that will be carried out by the Covid Manager;
- Manage symptomatic or positive cases for COVID-19;
- Authorize the reintegration into the workplace of personnel with symptoms compatible with COVID-19 or with previous COVID-19 infection (prolonged absence);
? inform / train workers on the risk of contagion from SARS-CoV-2 and on the precautions put in place by the company.
The activities are organized as follows:
1. Staff training
In addition to the general training for all staff, direct and individual training to staff and artists who present difficulties in the use of PPE may be performed on the set by the staff designated by the Committee for the application and verification of the rules of the protocol of regulation 'present at the time of filming, at least within the limits of Legislative Decree 81/08.
The use of contact tracing apps , such as the "Immuni" app, when available, is strongly recommended .
2. General hygiene rules
On the set it is necessary to maintain the following hygiene rules:
? Make available hydroalcoholic solutions for hand washing.
? Avoid hugs and handshakes.
? Maintenance of the interpersonal distance of at least one meter and use of masks as per the disposition of the Health Authority.
? Respiratory hygiene (sneezing and/or coughing in a handkerchief avoiding hand contact with respiratory secretions).
? Avoid the sharing of bottles and glasses.
? Do not touch your eyes, nose and mouth with your hands.
? Cover your mouth and nose if you sneeze or cough.
? Clean the surfaces daily with chlorine or alcohol based disinfectants.
? Avoid gatherings in common areas (for example the canteen and common areas). ? Eat meals keeping a distance of at least one meter.
3. Use of PPE
The staff must be provided with adequate PPE, based on the specificity of their work, in addition to the provisions of Legislative Decree 81/08 and according to the indications specified below.
If the work requires an interpersonal distance of less than one meter, it is necessary to use masks and / or other PPE compliant with the provisions of the scientific and health authorities
? The use of surgical masks on the set is mandatory.
? The use of disposable gloves is reserved for specific contexts, such as cleaning or catering staff or in the use of shared objects, such as work tools.
? Disposable gloves must be changed every time they get dirty and properly disposed of in unsorted municipal waste.
? Disposable gloves should be changed whenever they come in contact with the mouth, nose and eyes.
? The safety gloves, intended for particular activities, will be sanitized daily, and whenever they come into contact with the eyes, nose and mouth.
? The use of disposable gloves and FFP2 / FFP3 masks and face shields is mandatory in the case of professionals for whom close contact, in particular with the cast, is connected to the performance itself (make-up artists, hairdressers, microphones), costume assistants, seamstresses, set makers etc.). Any further provisions that may be issued by the Health Authorities will be implemented.
? Work activities and/or preparations on the cast that cannot be carried out with the use of gloves will be reduced to a minimum and will be carried out with the due hygienic safety measures according to the current indications of the Health Authority.
? All disposable PPE must be properly disposed of in unsorted waste after use.
4. Indoor environment management and set sanitization
For the management of indoor environments, refer to the document produced by the ISS and available at
To be ensured:
? good air exchange in all environments where workstations and personnel are present by opening the various openings more frequently: windows and balconies. The change of air must take into account the number of workers present, the type of activity carried out and the length of stay in the workplace. During the natural exchange of air, it is advisable to avoid creating uncomfortable / discomfort conditions (drafts or excessive cold / heat) for staff in the workplace.
? Daily cleaning of the most frequently touched surfaces (eg doors, handles, windows, glass, tables, light switches, toilets, taps, sinks, desks, chairs, passenger handles, keys, keyboards, remote controls, printers, vending machines ) by using soap and water and / or with 75% ethyl alcohol and subsequently with a 0.5% diluted sodium hypochlorite solution.
? In buildings equipped with specific ventilation systems (Controlled Mechanical Ventilation) that move air through a motor / fan and allow the exchange of the air of a building with the outside, it is advisable to keep active the input and extraction of the air 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (possibly with a decrease in ventilation rates during the night when the building is not used).
? In buildings equipped with specific ventilation systems (Controlled Mechanical Ventilation), the air recirculation function must be totally eliminated to avoid the possible transport of pathogens.
? The sanitization of the set must be performed obligatorily:
- When first entering a room, and before shooting starts in any new room.
- At the end of the daily shooting.
- Each time COVID-19 compatible symptoms are found (cough, fever, flu symptoms) or
positivity to the SARS-COV2 swab is detected in an operator on set.
???Outdoor set management
For the management of the outdoor sets, there are no specific indications, nor is it necessary to sanitize, except for specific needs. Mobile vehicles are considered indoor environments.
? It is however advisable to carry out daily cleaning of the most frequently touched surfaces (for example tables, furniture, toilets) by using water and soap and / or with 75% ethyl alcohol and subsequently with a diluted 0.5% sodium hypochlorite solution.
? The semi-closed positions, "gazebo video village, etc." must be sanitized daily.
???Personnel and cast transportation
? Staff are advised to use their own vehicles.
? The number of individuals transported on common means must allow the maintenance of adequate distance between people,
? The transport of the main cast will be carried out with means that are the exclusive use of the production.
? It is recommended that all the artistic cast use transportation means that guarantee maximum safety. If this is not possible, the production will evaluate specific intervention methods. ? The drivers, being an integral part of the crew, will have to follow the same protocol.
? The vehicles must be sanitized after each transport.
7. Catering
? Workers will have to keep the spacing of at least one meter during breaks.
? Multiple craft and catering workstations must be set up, both for the distribution of food and for their consumption, distinct between cast, crew and extras. If necessary, alternate breaks will be applied.
? The catering areas must be sanitized daily and the cleaning of the premises and the keyboards of the drink and snack vending machines must be guaranteed.
? Disposable compostable plates and cutlery and pre-portioned meals must be used. ? The buffet consumption of food or drinks is never allowed.
Relations with suppliers
? In order to reduce the possibility of contact with the staff, access to external suppliers must be regulated by identifying ad hoc procedures for each location.
? the drivers of the means of transport must remain within the means of transport or in their immediate vicinity.
? Delivery must take place in a filter area.
? The transported material must be sanitized before use.
? Employees who must go to the suppliers' premises must use the standard PPE. Disposable gloves will need to be replaced before entering the set.
9. Stage costumes
In order to limit the risk of transmission of the infection, the stage costumes will be individual and not shared by the individual actors / extras, until they have been sanitized.
10. Makeup and hairstyle tools, microphones, scene materials and props.
In order to limit the risk of transmission of the infection it is necessary that the tools used to make up, heir-do and mike the actors are disposable or for the exclusive use of the individual components of the cast or sanitized after each use and at the end of the day.
11. Specific provisions for the cast
The actors on stage who cannot operate in compliance with the safety distances established by the Government and the Health Authorities, as reported in the DVR assessed and approved in advance by the competent doctor, before the start of filming, based on the specificity of the project and / or the characteristics of the scenes:
? will undergo the most reliable scientific tests to ascertain the health conditions, to exclude the positivity to COVID-19, immediately before the beginning of the filming that concern them.
? will repeat these tests at least weekly, even in the absence of symptoms.
? undertake to respect responsibly all measures to address and contain the spread of the Covid-19 virus in and outside workplaces.
12. Interactions between actors and staff
? The actors must have a fitting room or a suitable space, for exclusive use, to be used during the work breaks and as a dressing room. This space will be sanitized every time it is destined for a different actor.
? The actors must use appropriate masks when not on stage, or not engaged in make-up or hairstyle activities.
? The actors on stage and the crew members will have to keep a safe distance during the acting. These distances should also be maintained between the actors themselves, where possible.
13. Extras on set
Scenes involving the use of extras, if they too are unable to use personal protective equipment, must be reduced to the minimum necessary.
In scenes where the use of extras is essential, all precautions will be taken:
? where possible, they must go to the set ready for filming, without interaction with the costume, make-up and hairstyle departments.
? When on stage, the safety distance between extras, between extras and actors, between extras and the crew must always be respected, where possible.
? If scenes are foreseen in which it is not possible to guarantee the safety distance between the extras, or between the extras and the cast, preventive tests will be provided for the extras involved, in order to verify any positivity to Covid-19.
? When not on stage, they must respect the same security protocol as the crew members.
14. Personal control on the set
? It is advisable to check the CT daily at entry and exit of the personnel on the set by using a thermo- scanner.
? The presence of a body CT> 37.5, as well as the presence of symptoms compatible with COVID-19 (cough, fever, flu symptoms) must preclude access to the set.
? The finding of fever or symptoms compatible with COVID-19 in a staff member on the set should lead to:
- preclude access to the set of the person in question
- execution of a SARS-COV2 swab and isolation of the person with symptoms pending the outcome of the swab; - sanitization of the set.
? The recommendations of the point above are to be considered applicable also in the situation in which the symptoms are developed at home.
15. Personal evaluation set before shooting
? The competent doctor will apply the indications of the Health Authorities.
? The competent doctor, in consideration of his role in risk assessment and health monitoring, may suggest the adoption of any diagnostic means if deemed useful in order to contain the spread of the virus and the health of workers.
? The competent doctor will make communications to the company regarding the suitability for the specific task.
? The competent doctor will make other communications that are mandatory to the competent bodies.
? The execution of swabs must follow the recommendations of the Health Authority and must be reserved primarily for personnel who:
-Have had close contact (see definition above) with a person with COVID-19 in the past 14 days;
-Have had close contact in the past 14 days with a person with COVID-19 compatible symptoms who has not performed the SARS-COV2 swab;
-Have contracted COVID-19 infection documented by swab and have no laboratory confirmation of successful recovery (negative swab for SARS-COV2 repeated after 24 hours);
-Have or have had COVID-19 compatible symptoms in the past 14 days and do not have documentation of SARS-COV2 negative swab.
? In case of availability and authorization by the Health Authority, the execution of swabs will be extended as preventive assessment of the personnel on the set even in the absence of the conditions mentioned above. This evaluation will be repeated weekly.
? Furthermore, in the presence of serological tests certified as reliable, their execution is recommended for the staff on the set and its repetition at least every fortnight.
16. Procedure in case of symptoms or positivity to the swab of a member of the set staff
The presence of COVID-19 compatible symptoms (fever, cough or flu-like symptoms) in a person operating on set should lead to:
? preclude access to the set of that person;
? execution of SARS-COV2 swab and isolation of the person with symptoms pending the outcome of the swab;
? sanitization of the set;
? the positivity to the swab for SARS-COV2 in a person operating on the set must lead to
preclude access to the set of that person;
? execution of swabs for all those in close contact (see definition above);
? preclude access to the set by close contacts pending the result of the swab;
? sanitization of the set;
? reintegration into the staff will be possible after recovery (negative swab for SARS-COV2 repeated after 24 hours);
If one of the people working on the set is in close contact (contact occurred outside the set), it is advisable to:
? preclude access to the set of that person;
? execution of swab for SARS-COV2 and isolation.
17. Competent company doctor
The company doctor in consultation with the 'Committee for the application and verification of the rules of the regulatory protocol' has the following functions:
? Ensure the execution of the training activity referred to in point 1, which will be supervised by the Covid Manager;
? Ensure compliance with the spacing procedures, use of PPE (activities that will be carried out by the Covid Manager) isolation and testing of suspects as provided for in this document;
? Manage symptomatic or positive cases for COVID-19;
? Authorize the reintegration into the workplace of personnel with symptoms compatible with COVID-19 or with previous COVID-19 infection (prolonged absence).