Italy moves forward in wastewater reuse in agriculture
Italy moves forward in wastewater reuse in agriculture
A new regulation
In May 2020, the?European Council regulated water treatment procedures for irrigation purposes. Its provision will apply from 2023 onwards. It encourages the?recovery of nutrients?from treated water and, as a result, their incorporation into crops.
Sicily approves the reuse of purified wastewater for irrigation purposes
Finally, Sicily has one more tool to deal with the problems related to the recurring water crises.
In fact, the Sicilian Regional Assembly?has approved the reuse of purified water for irrigation uses.
Specifically, the new legislation permits the creation of refining or phytodepuration systems that trigger virtuous circular economy mechanisms, aimed at reusing water. Furthermore, it will significantly reduce users’ supply costs.
The recovered wastewater will be transferred by sewage treatment plant operators to distribution network operators.
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