Italian Inheritance / Real Estate and taxes
When you inherit a house in Italy, even if you are a resident in another country, you must consider that there are some obligations to fulfill and some taxes to pay.
In fact, if the deceased was the owner of a property in Italy, even if he was a resident abroad, the inheritance tax (imposta di successione) and other taxes (imposte ipotecarie e catastali) will be due.
However, there is some good news, at least regarding the inheritance tax:
for some members of the family there is a tax exemption, that is, an exemption from the payment due up to a certain value established by law.
In particular:
a) the spouse and children have a tax exemption of up to one million euros, above which they pay 4% as inheritance tax,
b) brothers and sisters have a tax exemption of up to 100,000 euros, above which they pay a rate of 6% as inheritance tax.
It should be noted that for other relatives there are no tax exemptions; therefore, the inheritance tax will always be due in the amount determined by law.
Our firm has been dealing with inheritance issues involving real estate for years, and we will be happy to provide you with legal assistance in this matter.
Milan, 16 October 2024.?
Avv. Giovanni Babino