Italian-Americans are not "white supremacists"
by Robin Ferruggia
Here is a copy of a letter I wrote to CPR and the Republican and Democratic parties in Pueblo, Colorado after reading a 2020 article which implies that Italian-Americans are white supremacists, and a link to the article. CPR is usually a reputable source of news but this appears to be more of a response to the groundless hysteria gripping the country.
As an Italian-American and someone who has done substantial research on the subject of the meaning of Columbus Day, I find?the groundless allegation?made in this article that Columbus Day is about "white supremacy" offensive and evidence of a total lack of understanding about Columbus Day, the facts relating to which apparently were of no interest to you.
??Columbus Day is not about "white supremacy," not by a long shot. Italian-Americans have celebrated, continue to celebrate and will continue to celebrate Columbus Day, for over 100 years.
??The reason why we have Columbus Day and why it was declared?a national holiday, first in Colorado, is because Italian-American immigrants from Southern Italy and Sicily were not only discriminated against in this country, but we were massacred, especially in Colorado. We were hung by the KKK, murdered, discriminated against, accused of crimes we did not commit, deported, and told we had no right to be in this country,etc. If you doubt this I suggest in the name of responsible journalism that you contact History Colorado, and they can give you the details and the evidence of all this.
???It is beyond my comprehension that a journalist employed by a group as reputable as CPR failed to look into a situation as serious as the one he was reporting on.
???We requested that Columbus Day be made a national holiday over 100 years ago, the significance of that being that since Columbus was credited with the discovery of America, and because he was an Italian, that gave Italian-Americans the right to be in this country.
???Today, Columbus Day not only symbolizes our right to be here but the rights of all immigrants who are legally in this country to be here.
???It is also Italian Pride Day, and very similar as such to Martin Luther King Day. It is a day when we honor and remember the contributions Italian-Americans made and continue to make to this country,?which are substantial.?
???I understand that a group of people like Native Americans (and take note that anyone born in this country is a native American) who have suffered severe intergenerational trauma as a result of mistreatment by the United States government would feel a need to create a scapegoat upon whom they could blame all their problems.?
??The diaries of Columbus are not consistent with the view of him or his alleged beliefs about native peoples that Native Americans are alleging. You can find the diaries of Columbus for sale on Amazon, and the reviews of them are also illuminating, if you're interested in responsible journalism.
???The idea that Columbus is somehow responsible for every problem that developed between Native Americans and "white people" because he discovered America is not based in reality, it's based in superstition.
???There is no way that someone who has been dead for hundreds of years could be responsible for all the wrongs Native Americans want to heap on him that happened hundreds of years after he was in his grave. Odd that the Native Americans do not place any blame on the Spanish conquistadors who were actually physically in America and who are responsible for the genocide of Aztec and Mayan peoples. But then, they were Latinos, and if you want to place blame for all your troubles on "white people" you don't make someone like Cortez your scapegoat. That might even be considered discrimination or racism.
???Columbus was an Italian, and as such, he belongs to the Italian people and the Italian-Americans. Native Americans protest loud and long about the names of their tribes being appropriated by football teams and such. They have even complained because a child went to a Halloween party wearing an Indian headdress. However, when they appropriate an?Italian and a symbolic Italian at that, nobody seems to see that as wrong. But it is wrong. It is immoral and unethical if not racist.?If it is not ok to appropriate their names, their symbols and their culture, it is also not ok for them to appropriate ours.
????In Denver, Russell Means, who is deceased, and his followers, charged into our Columbus Day parade dressed in war paint, did damage to the parade, and verbally and physically assaulted Italian-Americans. They made it impossible for us to have our parade and celebrate a holiday that has nothing whatsoever to do with what they tried to re-invent it as to serve their needs for a scapegoat. They continued these assaults year after year until the DoJ came into the picture with local law enforcement. This is reported in the media if you want to check it out or talk with the prominent?Italian leaders in Denver who witnessed?it.
???It is true that we have a right in this democracy to peacefully protest (not to engage in domestic terrorism). But normally, when there is a protest, the protestors are opposing something that is real. For example, if a group of people want to protest abortion, they would likely do so at a rally of people advocating the right to abortion.?
???But Italian-Americans are not celebrating genocide, colonization, the mistreatment of of Native American tribes by the US Army during the Indian wars, slavery and so on.
??That they are is a fantasy created by Native Americans, and they are attacking us for representing something that has nothing to do with how they want to re-define a holiday over a hundred years old today.
??Imagine the response it would get if people started protesting Martin Luther King Day because they thought it was a display of black supremacy. People would be justifiably outraged at the abuse of the right to protest.
??Governor Polis, who meant well, decided to not allow Columbus Day to be a national holiday anymore based on the fantasies Native Americans created and perpetuated about it. He decided to turn it into Mother Cabrini Day. That was an act of ignorance if ever there was one.
??Mother Cabrini does not in any way represent what Columbus represents to Italian-Americans. In addition, Mother Cabrini Day is, and always has been, December 22, not Oct. 12.
???Italians name their children after saints. Italian children have two birthdays. One is the day they were born, but the other, which is considered more important, is also a celebration of the significance of the saint. Apparently Governor Polis did not realize when he decided to change Columbus Day, based on false and misleading propaganda from Native Americans - none of which he apparently ever made any effort to verify - that he not only was violating a symbol of Italian-American history and culture but was inappropriately trying to recreate Roman Catholic religious?beliefs.
???And on the subject of Roman Catholic religion, Italian-Americans have said very little about all this abuse from Native Americans and government leaders who denounce Columbus Day because Italian-Americans decided that the way to deal with all this was to be the Christians that we are, and follow the teachings of Jesus, who we believe would have said to turn the other cheek in a situation such as the one we are in.
???The statue of Columbus needs to be recognized for what it truly represents and represented when it was erected, and to stay untouched. And all the other statues of Columbus that were torn down should be replaced.?
???As for "cancel culture," if you follow that to its logical conclusion the end game is likely to be people screaming for the end of Independence Day, Presidents Day and the U.S. Constitution, because our founding fathers held slaves, therefore everything they created should be removed from history.
World peace advocate, writer, educator, and community organizer.
1 年Not all, but tend to be. I witness that in my own family and my familiy’s Italian acquaintances. They can’t stand those “illegal“ immigrants come through the Mexican border and ignore or forget their ancestors were considered the blacks of eastern Europe coming to the US. At any rate, Columbus Day is nothing but a whitewashing of another European genocide in the Americas and a strategy to repel “Italiano-phobia” that was once highly pervasive in the United States.