Julien Ezanno
Bilateral Affairs Advisor chez Centre national du cinéma et de l'image animée (CNC)
Both critics and audience have been acclaiming this new adaptation of Stephen King's novel. "It" is being a huge commercial success worldwide, grossing 500 million USD at this time and making it a particularly lucrative adventure. I saw it yesterday in Paris (at the beautiful Gaumont Opéra Capucines) with great (but silly) expectations, wondering whether the word being spread was right. But in fact, what I saw looked very much like an "average" contemporary Hollywood production. A few scenes involving Pennywise, particularly as he tries to lure children into his hellish sewers, are fun to watch. Bill Skarsg?rd is quite convincing as a soft spoken but starving and mouth watering child flesh eating clown. I am however disappointed by the lack of originality in the storytelling and in the filming. It is terror with (too) good looks.