IT-BPM Industry Leaders Meet with 2022 Presidentiables
IT & Business Process Association of the Philippines, Inc. (IBPAP)
We are the enabling association for the IT-BPM industry in the Philippines
Over the past two decades, the Philippine IT-BPM industry has proven to be a major pillar of the country’s economy in terms of job creation, export revenue generation, and contribution to gross domestic product (GDP). The sector’s impressive growth has also demonstrated its resilience and success in navigating uncertainties. Despite the challenges and disruptions caused by the pandemic, IT-BPM was one of the few industries that grew and made significant contributions to employment and foreign exchange earnings.
In 2020, when most industries shrank, the IT-BPM sector even grew and hired an additional 23K full-time employees (FTEs) and generated $26.7 billion in revenues that were invaluable in bringing some financial inflow to the country. This is testament to the industry’s role as a growth driver and pillar of the Philippine economy, invalidating any perception that the sector is on its sunset.
Further proof to this is the resurgence the industry experienced in 2021 despite continuing uncertainties, with growth estimated to have reached an impressive 7-8% in headcount and 8-12% in revenues. With a workforce of around 1.4 million Filipinos, the IT-BPM sector continued to show a strong multiplier effect and likely generated an additional 4.6 million indirect jobs in support industries like food, retail, transportation, logistics, and others. In 2021, the sector is projected to have brought $28.8 billion in revenues in addition to spurring consumption spending. The industry will remain a crucial driver of inclusive growth through well-established and emerging IT-BPM hubs located beyond Metro Manila, with 27% of the sector’s employees spread throughout the countryside.
Moving forward, much still needs to be done to sustain the present growth trajectory. With this goal in mind and guided by our key priorities, IBPAP is determined to forge ahead with actions that create meaningful impact for the IT-BPM industry and the Filipino people through job creation across the country.
Foremost among these imperatives is the need for legislation and policies that will allow the Philippines to retain its edge over other IT-BPM markets. Improving the ease of doing business for present and future investors in the Philippines is particularly important. One present challenge is to enact legislation that will permit more flexibility for the adoption of hybrid and location-independent work arrangements and models that will democratize job opportunities, improve employee productivity and work-life balance, reduce absenteeism and attrition rate, decongest Metro Manila, and expand talent and hiring pools.
To ensure that our point of view as a sector is heard and considered by policy makers and legislators, IBPAP has begun engagement with presidential candidates inviting them to roundtables. With a new administration stepping into power in mid-2022, these IT-BPM roundtables will help us develop an even stronger collaboration with our partners in government. Industry leaders have participated in these forums to ensure that the presidential candidates learn about on-the-ground realities and challenges of the sector.
In addition to long-term support for hybrid work arrangements, the industry also needs help in addressing the widening skills gap and inadequate infrastructure required in what’s become a highly digital and technology-driven landscape.
Leading to the publication of Roadmap 2028 in July, the IT-BPM industry’s blueprint for its strategies in the next six years, IBPAP, along with its partner associations—the Animation Council of the Philippines, Inc. (ACPI), Global In-House Center Council (GICC) Philippines, Contact Center Association of the Philippines (CCAP), Game Developers Association of the Philippines (GDAP), Healthcare Information Management Association of the Philippines (HIMAP), and the Philippine Software Industry Association (PSIA)—aims to achieve its goals for sustainable growth in job creation for Filipinos, country revenue and higher GDP growth for the Philippine economy.
Jack Madrid, President & CEO - IBPAP