Issue with Nuget Install packages

In the cloud hosted build pipeline, one of the step is to install Nuget Packages. In past you could use NuGet command for this with version 0 which was marked for deprecation for quite some time. Last week the version 0 is deprecated meaning you would get a stopping error if you still use this step in your build pipeline.

To can easily avoid this issue by updating to version 2

Simply change the Task version to 2 and use custom Command as shown below

with the command

install -NonInteractive $(build.sourcesDirectory)\Tools\Build\packages.config -ConfigFile $(build.sourcesDirectory)\Tools\Build\nuget.config -Verbosity Detailed -ExcludeVersion -OutPutDirectory $(NugetsPath)        

Make sure that you adjust the path of the buget.config and package.config file as per your project repository.


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