Issue No.17 On Energy Management
In our fast-paced world, managing our schedule has become a crucial skill. However, an equally essential aspect that often goes unnoticed is managing our energy. Time management alone is insufficient if we neglect to consider the quality of energy we bring to our tasks. By prioritizing activities that replenish our energy reserves, we can enhance productivity, foster wellbeing, and achieve sustainable success. So with this edition of the newsletter, we will explore the concept of energy management and offer practical strategies for incorporating energy-boosting activities into our lives.
? Understanding Energy Management:
Energy management involves recognizing the activities that deplete and those that replenish our energy levels. Unlike time, which is finite, energy can be nurtured and renewed. While certain tasks may be time-consuming, they do not necessarily contribute to our energy reserves. Conversely, activities that align with our passions, values, and personal growth have the power to uplift and revitalize us, even if they consume time. By embracing energy management, we can enhance our overall wellbeing and maintain consistent productivity.
??Prioritizing Energy-Boosting Activities
To effectively manage our energy, we need to identify the activities that rejuvenate us personally. Here are some strategies to prioritize energy-boosting activities:
Efficient energy management is crucial for sustainable productivity and well-being. Understanding our personal values, pursuing passions, nurturing relationships, prioritizing physical wellness, embracing continuous learning, practising mindfulness, and carving out time for relaxation are essential steps towards effective energy management. By incorporating these strategies into our lives, we can unlock our full potential, achieve balance, and experience long-term success and fulfilment.
???Tools & practices
???Book of the week
We live in digital time. Our pace is rushed, rapid-fire, and relentless. Facing crushing workloads, we try to cram as much as possible into every day. We're wired up, but we're melting down. Time management is no longer a viable solution. As bestselling authors, Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz demonstrate in this groundbreaking book, managing energy, not time, is the key to enduring high performance as well as to health, happiness, and life balance.
??Surprise of the week.
???Video Of The Week
Ever wish you had more energy? Or wonder why you’re so tired? Energx Founder Sean Hall introduces us to seven ‘energy crisis indicators’ that are likely to be depleting you, and millions like you, today. Cumulatively, these surprisingly everyday indicators have resulted in a human ‘energy crisis’ of epidemic proportions. Our health, happiness, and the economy are suffering, and it's impacting our ability to drive social change. After researching the root cause, Sean created the skill of ‘energy intelligence’ or ‘ExIQ’. In this talk, he shows how this can help us, practically and immediately, find more energy for what matters.
??Podcast of the week
In this episode of Mind, Body, Life, Emily Brinnand offers us guidance on how we could be managing our energy better. As a Mind and Movement Coach, she supports people to really honour their energy, and tune into what their body wants and needs so they can feel more energised and rested too!
Managing our energy is no easy task in today's fast-paced world. There are many elements to it. The tips, thoughts and tools she shares here will help get you started.
??Comic of the week
* Food for thought ??
?? How well am I currently managing my energy levels on a daily basis? What are some signs or indicators that suggest I need to make changes?
?? What are the primary sources of energy in my life? How often do I engage in activities that replenish and uplift me?
?? What are the main energy drainers in my life? How frequently do I encounter them, and what impact do they have on my overall well-being?
?? How well do I prioritize self-care in my life? What self-care activities bring me joy and rejuvenation? How often do I engage in them, and how can I make them a consistent part of my routine?
?? Do I set realistic goals for myself, both personally and professionally? Are there any unrealistic expectations that drain my energy? How can I establish healthy boundaries and create a balanced approach to achieving my goals?
?? What is my current energy management plan, if any? How effective is it, and what adjustments can I make to enhance its impact? How can I hold myself accountable for managing my energy levels better?
??Let’s work together!?
When you are ready, these are 3 ways I can support you:
See you again next Wednesday, with another round of resources on Training, Coaching & Wellbeing.