The Issue With Being A Leader Is That You’re Never Sure If You’re Being Followed or Chased. -C. Murray
José Maria Dias de Oliveira
Technical Admin @ University of Coimbra | Management, Technical Support
With the publication of this article I intend once again and this year to disclose 12th Global Peter Drucker Forum 2020 to be held in Vienna, Austria, on October 28, 29 and 30.
Theme of the Forum: LEADERSHIP EVERYWHERE – a fresh perspective on management.
With the references of Winners of the Drucker Challenge Essay Award 2020
Students Category:
1 - God'sWill Dickson (Nigeria): "My journal of cognitive errors: Critical Thinking for the Individual". University of Nigeria, Nsukka
? presents a story based on his journal, through a diary. The application of the referenced story in relation to leadership and management.
? with his paper the author writes about critical thinking. Critical thinking is not only necessary bad. For the leader/manager of the 21st century, through his decisions that become more complex to take within a cognitive system, lapses and errors become more common. However, it is possible doing a good transformation of these mistakes and lapses into a cognitive system.
The author tries to show that the manager/leader of the 21st century must be able to discern in his mental plans the errors and cognitive flaws of future realities. Manager/leader is able in the 21st century to carry out treatments and calculations of econometrics and statistical data, probably more later the requirement of algorithmic treatments to be able to more accurately probabilities of his errors and his failures in comparison with the planned data and its treatment.
I am agree when he writes the sentence from P. Drucker: "Mathematicians are born, but everyone can learn trigonometry.”
2 - Letícia Tiemi Matsuoka (Brazil): "The effectiveness of political leadership during the information". Universidade Anhembi Morumbi
? writes on political leadership. We note the strong concern about political leaders in the 21st century. The concern about the appearance of leaders supported by radicalisms. On the other hand, the concern with the manipulation of digital information that is intended to manipulate population masses turned towards radical sides. To try to combat these facts that are becoming more real, she writes about the importance of education and the importance of access to education. Education thus becomes a competitive advantage for countries at all levels.
3 - Daina Mandewo * (Zimbabwe): "The After". University of Zimbabwe
? she writes "the after" by all changing very quickly.
She highlights several arguments to arrive at the most successful day of tomorrow. The day after.
Personal considerations:
Leader is not born a leader. The leader becomes a leader depending on numerous factors as:
Environmental: for example in political environments a political leader depends not only on the electorate but also on background forces such as financial resources, strong image of marketing.
Educational and skills: leader must have a very high educational level. He must be ready at all times to send a more positive response in terms of culture, financial markets, economy, national and international security systems.
Basic behaviors: accepted by most populations, to know how to speak with a good expression, good oratory, gestural expression. To have always high levels of Motivation.
Leadership Development:
Questions are powerful tools for professional development. Some powerful questions for Leadership Development:
- Do you foster personal transformation in your staff?
- Do you serve your staff, or do you see your staff as only there to serve you?
- Are you truly present when you meet with your staff, or are you distracted?
- Do you seek constructive feedback from your staff?
- Are you able to consider and act on constructive feedback, even when it’s difficult to hear?
- Do you utilize consensus-style decision-making when it is appropriate?
- you make decisions yourself when they are time-sensitive, or do you strongly impact multiple departments?
People Need Leadership. Things Need Management. It Is Dangerous To Get It The Other Way Round. - Charles Handy, Social Philosopher
Article written on September 30, 2020 by:
José Maria Dias de Oliveira