Issue #7 - Company Partner: The Barnabas Group
Back in 2001, Don Schoendorfer was starting his nonprofit, Free Wheelchair Mission, to provide durable, low-cost wheelchairs. Although he was a talented and experienced biomedical engineer, he didn’t have the background in logistics to start and run a nonprofit. Thankfully, around that time, Don was introduced to company partner, The Barnabas Group.?
The Barnabas Group is a faith-based company that connects business leaders and nonprofits in a unique way. Instead of providing financial support, they are structured to connect their members—people who have skills, expertise, and time—with ministries. In their own words, The Barnabas Group shares, “We are a collaboration of leaders dedicated to maximizing ministry potential by meeting nonprofit challenges with business perspectives to advance Kingdom work.”
The Barnabas Group started in 2000. On April 9, 2001, Don had the opportunity to present Free Wheelchair Mission at the second Barnabas meeting. After hearing about Don’s vision for providing wheelchairs to people in developing countries, members of the audience quickly became key resources and supporters. They introduced Don to a wheelchair manufacturer, a lawyer, and many other invaluable connections. Also in the crowd of about 25 business leaders was Bob Shank , co-founder of The Barnabas Group, who later became a long-time supporter and board member of Free Wheelchair Mission. These were important pieces that helped Free Wheelchair Mission develop into the nonprofit that it is today.
Today, Free Wheelchair Mission has provided more than 1.4 million wheelchairs in 95 developing countries, while The Barnabas Group has branched off to create local chapters across the United States and is celebrating its 25th anniversary.
The Barnabas Group’s connection with Free Wheelchair Mission continues on. Over the years, Don, as well as Free Wheelchair Mission CEO Nuka Solomon, have had opportunities to present to various chapters of the Barnabas group around the country. Just this past February, Nuka was able to present to about 170 members of The Barnabas Group in San Diego.
Richard Leonard, a member of the Barnabas Group in San Diego shared, “First of all, the ability to give a wheelchair to somebody in the world was marvelous. The best part is that the wheelchair is given away with the love and mercy of Jesus Christ. The opportunity to share the mission and vision with the Barnabas members that represent a lot of churches in San Diego really resonated.”
Through the support of The Barnabas Group, members have been introduced to the work of Free Wheelchair Mission. They have become faithful ambassadors and have introduced the nonprofit to their churches and communities. Others have become generous supporters and board members of Free Wheelchair Mission.
This unique company partnership has also been beneficial to members of The Barnabas Group. Free Wheelchair Mission serves as an example of a “success story” that shows the impact that Barnabas is having in local and global communities. When asked about a ministry that has stood out in the last 25 years, The Barnabas Group co-founder Bob Shank shared the origin story of Free Wheelchair Mission. This partnership over the years has also allowed business leaders to find a renewed sense of purpose by investing their resources and skills in the nonprofit’s work of providing wheelchairs to those who need them most.?
Interested in joining The Barnabas Group and other companies who have chosen to partner with Free Wheelchair Mission? Learn more at: Free Wheelchair Mission | Company Engagement