Issue 663

Issue 663

Welcome to PAI's weekly newsletter

In this week's public sector news update, several noteworthy developments deserve attention. Firstly, significant announcements have emerged regarding GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), highlighting the ongoing efforts to protect individuals' personal data and uphold their privacy rights. Additionally, the accidental disclosure of confidential commercial deals by RTE through its barter account raises important questions about privacy protocols and the handling of sensitive information. The prominence of corporate governance in recent discussions surrounding the RTE controversy emphasizes its crucial role in ensuring transparency and ethical practices. Lastly, Ireland's commendable reduction in carbon emissions reflects its commitment to combatting climate change and transitioning towards a sustainable future. These developments collectively underscore Ireland's dedication to data protection, privacy, transparency, and environmental responsibility in various sectors.

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We would like to update you on some significant announcements related to GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) that have recently surfaced in the news. These developments highlight the ongoing efforts to protect individuals' personal data and uphold their privacy rights.

?Firstly, on June 16th, 2023, the Data Protection Commission (DPC) concluded its inquiry into the Department of Health's handling of personal data in 29 litigation files. The inquiry was initiated following public allegations made in 2021, which claimed that the Department had unlawfully collected and processed personal data pertaining to plaintiffs and their families involved in special educational needs litigation.

?According to the DPC's findings, the Department did not violate data protection laws when seeking information about the services provided to plaintiffs in cases under litigation. However, the inquiry did reveal that the Department did infringe data protection laws by posing broad questions that led to the disclosure of sensitive information regarding the private lives of plaintiffs and their families. This highlights the importance of maintaining the privacy and confidentiality of individuals' personal data.

?We encourage you to read an insightful blog article on this inquiry written by PAI Associate Trainer Daragh O'Brien. The article provides further analysis and commentary on the matter.

You can access the article by?Clicking Here

?In other news related to GDPR, we have an interesting case involving unlawful processing of personal data. PAI Associate Trainer Claire Hogan was involved in a case where a factory supervisor alleged that his colleagues had mocked him after their employer utilised CCTV images of him in a training video. The court has now awarded compensation for non-material damage, marking the first such compensation decree by an Irish court for an infringement of personal data rights.

?To delve into the details of this case, we recommend reading the full article?Available Here.

It sheds light on the legal consequences of mishandling personal data and the potential impact on individuals' well-being.

?These recent incidents remind us of the ongoing importance of compliance with GDPR regulations and the need to safeguard individuals' personal data. We hope you find the provided resources informative and insightful, allowing you to stay informed about the latest developments in data protection.

Data Sharing and Governance Masterclass

Friday, September 12th, 2023

10.00am – 1.00pm, Online

Certificate in GDPR Level 1 Essentials

20th, 21st, 27th & 28th September 2023

9.30am – 1.00pm, Online

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RTé has accidentally released the value of hundreds of confidential commercial deals it made with advertisers through its barter account over the past ten years,?the Business Post has revealed.

The records raise fresh questions over how the barter account has been used by RTé as the documents show that hundreds of thousands of euro from the main sponsor of The Late Late Show was funnelled through the controversial barter account in 2014?

Details of The Late Late Show sponsorship and other commercial deals were included in a tranche of documents released late last by the broadcaster to the Oireachtas public accounts committee.

The documents divulge confidential information, which the broadcaster attempted to redact, on advertising revenue secured by the broadcaster through its barter account since 2014. The names of clients and prices of each sponsorship deal are readable because the information that was meant to be redacted was only lightly shaded in black.

The broadcaster previously said that the barter account had only been used on a last-resort basis for unsold airtime that would have otherwise generated zero revenue unless the barter account system was used, but the records show that it was used as part of some of the biggest commercial deals arranged by the broadcaster over the past ten years...

To read full article?Click Here

FOI for Decision Makers and Internal Reviewers

Friday, July 21st, 2023

9.30am – 4.00pm, Online

Certificate in Freedom of Information

21st, 22nd September 2023

Day 1 – 9.30am – 4.00pm,

Day 2 – 9.30am – 12.30pm, Online

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We delve into the topic of corporate governance and shed light on its importance in today's business landscape. Recent discussions surrounding the RTE controversy have brought corporate governance to the forefront of public attention. In this blog article, written by Tom Ferris, we explore the requirements and expectations placed on State Sponsored bodies in Ireland in terms of corporate governance.

?Firstly, we examine the 2016 Code of Practice for the Governance of State Bodies, which sets high standards for corporate governance in Ireland. This comprehensive code outlines the principles of good governance, including accountability, transparency, and probity. State Bodies and their subsidiaries are mandated to comply with this code, as confirmed to their relevant Minister. With ten specific chapters and numerous accompanying documents, the code provides detailed guidance on governance practices and procedures, spanning over 140 pages.

?It is the responsibility of State Bodies to ensure the implementation of good corporate governance practices. Notably, the 2016 Code has seen updates in recent years, such as the inclusion of a new annex on gender balance, diversity, and inclusion in September 2020, as well as changes related to superannuation and remuneration proposals in June 2021.

?Additionally, we delve into the 2022 Framework for the Commercial Semi-State Sector, specifically designed to address climate action objectives. With the target of a 51% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 and the goal of net-zero emissions by 2050, commercial semi-State companies are expected to follow this framework. The New Economy and Recovery Authority (NewERA) oversees this initiative, which encompasses commitments ranging from governance of climate action objectives to climate-related disclosures.

?NewERA has engaged individually with the twenty-two companies to gather information on their climate action objectives and research best practices in this area. The framework places a considerable workload on these companies, as they must address sixteen targets related to the five commitments outlined.

?Implementing these codes and frameworks is crucial for the success of State Bodies. Corporate governance is not confined to the boardroom but extends to management, shareholders, employees, and the communities in which these bodies operate. It is essential to ensure transparent reporting on progress and achievements. The 2022 Climate Change Code mandates the inclusion of climate action objectives, overall company performance reports, and progress towards emission reduction targets in annual reports. Moreover, companies are expected to provide evidence of carbon pricing used in investment appraisals.

?In conclusion, codes alone are not sufficient. The full implementation of these codes is vital for the effective functioning of State Bodies. With the added pressure of the 2022 Climate Change Code, these bodies must actively embrace the principles of corporate governance and demonstrate their commitment to achieving climate action objectives. The journey towards good corporate governance and sustainability requires extensive effort from each of the twenty-two companies and their subsidiaries.

To read the?Blog Article?click here

Certificate in Corporate Governance

Tuesday, 19th September (In Person)

Tuesday, 26th September (Online)

The Public Spending Code: Key Evaluations, Revisions and Updates

Monday, 25th of September 2023

9.30-13.00, Online

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Carbon budget consumption figures indicate higher reductions will be required in years up to 2030

Ireland’s greenhouse gas emissions decreased by 1.9 per cent in 2022, according to the Environmental Protection Agreement (EPA) – driven by higher fuel prices, increased renewable energy, behavioural change and regulation.?This includes a small reduction in agriculture emissions for the first time in many years. Transport is now emerging as the problem sector – rising 6 per cent last year.

The data in the latest emissions inventory indicates Ireland is beginning to force its overall emissions down, but 47 per cent of Ireland’s carbon budget for 2021-2025 has been used in the first two years. The budget attempts to contain sectoral emissions to within set limits.

[?EU emissions rules unfair on ordinary air passengers, says Minister?]

“An extremely challenging annual reduction of 12.4 per cent is required for each of the remaining years” if Ireland is to stay within a legally binding budget, the EPA has warned. The Government has an overall 51 per cent reduction target for 2030 from a 2018 baseline.?The 2022 reduction resulted from power-generation emissions decreasing by 1.9 per cent due to a reduction in coal, oil and peat use, and more renewable energy. Agriculture emissions decreased by 1.2 per cent, driven by reduced fertiliser use, which offset the impact of an increase in livestock numbers.

Residential emissions decreased by 12.7 per cent, with the impact of higher fuel prices, new regulations banning smoky fuel and milder weather evident. The transport increase was because “the Covid rebound continues”.?In total, 60.76 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (MtCO2eq) were emitted, excluding emissions from land use, land use change and forestry, known as LULUCF, which are accounted for separately.

The figures also show Ireland exceeded its 2022 annual limit under the EU’s Effort Sharing Regulation. These annual limits have been reduced further from 2023 onwards as Ireland’s effort-sharing commitment increased from a 30 per cent reduction on the 2005 level by 2030 to a 42 per cent reduction…

To read the full Article?Click Here

Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive: Fostering Sustainability in Corporate Governance

Tuesday, August 29th 2023

10.00am – 12.30pm, Online

The AIE Regulations – Access to Information on the Environment

Monday, October 16th, 2023

9.30am – 3.00pm, Online

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