Issue #6: Resources for Alignment & Thriving

Issue #6: Resources for Alignment & Thriving

Good Tuesday antifragility enthusiasts,?

In this issue we've synthesized a collection of research and resources on the next critical component of antifragility. One end of what Taleb refers to as a "barbell approach". In this case, the two ends of the barbell are (1) intentionally taking on positive stressors on one hand and then (2) strategically nourishing oneself on the other by creating a the ingredients for thriving. This issue will focus on the second one, the ingredients for alignment and thriving.

UPDATE: In an effort to better serve this growing community, we're moving away from the short podcast segments for athletes/executives and instead will be devoting more time to consistently blogging about the nuances and important aspects of the research. You can find our first post below.

We hope you find the resources helpful,

-Nick & Adam

As always, you can dig into the research and our discussions via our various science-based shorts, medium form podcasts and zero-cost, easy to access resources are all synthesized and organized for you in what follows.?

If there is more that you want or ways we can iterate to improve your experience,?please let us know.?

Minimum Viable Dose

Alignment & Thriving: Refers to psychological concepts such as coherence, congruence, well-being, flourishing and life satisfaction. It refers to the psychological components to generally feel well, live a psychologically rich existence and both understand and commit to one's core beliefs or values in a way that function as a guidance or operating system.


Research shows that thriving and alignment are worthwhile pursuits or emergent properties. Alignment, or coherence and congruence are highly associated with well-being and resilience. Thriving is a measure of well-being but also high-end functioning and more embedded with some performance metrics and other components. Plenty of empirical research exists that suggests tapping into the well-being boost or "happiness advantage" is a worthwhile pursuit from a performance perspective, in addition to being a worthwhile point of focus on it's own.



The Antifragility Blog

New Post: The Synergy and Separation Between Taleb's Antifragility and the Psychological Science.?

Nassim Nicholas Taleb's concept of antifragility —the idea that certain systems thrive and grow stronger in response to stress, volatility, and adversity—has had a significant impact on various fields, from economics to organizational theory. However, its intersection with psychological science presents a particularly rich area for exploration. While the psychological literature extensively covers concepts like fragility (helplessness) and resilience (buoyancy and robustness)...Read more.


More on Antifragility

Take our NEW short-form assessment to better understand your antifragility and the different components that impact it.

Read about the results we've seen while working with a power 5 collegiate soccer program and 2x defending power 5 conference champion.

Gain access to the almanac of antifragility. Over 160 pages of concepts and key takeaways related to antifragility & links to additional resources like podcasts, talks and books.


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