issue 4

issue 4

The question we're all asking—who am I?

Without really knowing what you're 'all about', your life will prove to be full of dissatisfaction, and chances are, you're going to feel trapped. If there's one thing that I've learned about people is that they want control of their destinies. No one wants to be limited.

Everyone is seeking happiness and fulfillment.

Unfortunately, the desire for contentment and self-awareness doesn't always translate into results. The sad fact is that most people are not living 'according to plan'.

A global poll conducted by Gallup in 2017 reported that meager 15% of full-time workers (out of one billion people) in the world are engaged at work. The number improves to 30% if you singled out Americans, but still dreadful. Are the pushy bosses to blame? The poorly designed workspaces? Long commutes into the city? The Baby Boomers' squashing Millenial enthusiam as they enter a new job?

Outside of the workforce, the data doesn't look pretty either. 2020 has wrecked happiness numbers in America. Only 14% of adults reported that they are very happy—the lowest numbers in 50 years.

Contrast that to 2018 when 31% said they were very happy. According to the General Social Survey, a group reporting on social trends every other year since 1972, the very happy rating has never dropped below 29%.

Nationally and internationally we are suffering from an epidemic of addictions as well. From drugs and alcohol to sex, pornography and child trafficking, it leaves nothing but heartbreak in its wake. Addiction in all its varities is rampant on every continent, in every city and community, and the vicious cycle of harmful habits seem to be moving faster.

Fueled by a lack of purpose, a loss of identity and an absence of belonging, people are turning to substances for reprieve. They are unable to bear the weight of the human experience and incorrectly rely on chemicals to release them from the pressure. Almost 21 million Americans have at least one addiction, yet only 10% of them receive treatment. Alcohol and drug addiction alone cost the U.S. economy over $600 billion dollars every year.

Our adolescents are suffering from greater amounts of suicidal ideation, depression, self-harm, and mental health issues. One has to wonder if increased screen time and internet usage has something to do with this crisis. It is estimated that the average high school senior spends 6 hours daily on social media outlets, texting or perusing websites.

What is happening to us?!

The answer and explanation would be 100 times longer than this newsletter could hold. There is no simple answer to the dizzying data in regards to the retrogression of certain aspects of the human condition. There is no panacea for what we are seeing in the workplace, contentment levels, addiction, and the young people across the globe.

Happiness, fulfillment, success, normalcy—seem to be elusive in today's complex, digital world. Are we simply ill-equipped to handle the sheer volume of information of our evolving landscape?

With knowledge supposedly doubling every 12 hours, influencers marketing us nonstop products, celebrities giving us their 'expert opinions' on how the world should work, TV and movie services acting as a sort of black hole viewing experience, and political talking heads and leaders of state flipping and flopping on their policies and 'values', how can anyone keep their head above water?

It is absolute


to steal Heather Houser's term.

We can't stop the information from coming. The social media dam has broken. We will continue to be flooded.

In order to have any semblance of control in this confusing time, it starts with knowing who you are and what you stand for—not what other people want you to stand for.

Go deep. Determine the traits and characteristics you possess that will help you thrive, 'your core'. If you can do this, you attack life instead of it submitting you. A short story.

The Tale of Raphael

I loved teenage mutant ninja turtles as a kid.

I played the TMNT video game in the arcade, watched the shows, the whole thing. I was hooked. That and Power Rangers. Don't get me started on the DragonZord.

My parents ended up buying me a Raphael action figure, which had only been out for a few years at the time. For those not plugged into the TMNT scene, Raphael is the muscle of the team - designated brawler. I probably connected with that. I had just started wrestling.

Most kids would have gathered up their other figures, stuffed animals, and dolls to start creating storylines for a make believe game. Which I did too. At the Snyder house, there was no shortage of that. No doubt I forced my siblings to be Bebop and Rocksteady.

But, my first order of business was to take him apart. Isn't that what everyone did?

I had never had an action figure that could move like Raphael. It had functioning elbows and wrist sockets. It had knee and hip joints. His neck and head bent like a real person.

Maybe it’s my hazy childhood memory, but I remember being shocked at how real it was - as real as a turtle teenager can be, down to the sai you could slash with.

The toy was different and the experience tied to it was unfamiliar. I had to see how it worked. I just started pulling his arms off.

No, I'm not some sort of Gabriel Gray character (Heroes, anyone?) . I was doing it in the name of science!

My mom came into my room and asked what was going on. I just replied I wanted to see the pieces and I’d put him back together eventually. She gave me a puzzled look and left me to study the plastic. Yes, that’s the only way to describe it - I studied the plastic.

I marvelled that you could make a toy like this. Why didn’t everything play like Raphael? Clearly, this was the best way to make an action figure. Look at the shapes. Look at how his leg bend like that. Its performance is unparalleled.

I got a Leonardo as well who received the same uncertified medical examination. I was blown away. How does someone make something like this?

I use this personal story as examples of defining moments. No, they don't define your life in an unalterable way. I use the phrase in the sense that they provide definition around the type of person you are at a given moment in time. They teach you about your character, your growth, and the abilities and talents you have. I give one from my childhood, but could have done it for teenage / young adult, and adult years too. It's good practice and I encourage you imagine your own.

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(A couple activities you can do...)

We are fluid beings. We are resilient, moldable, adaptable, and can take on new forms and personalities over time. There is an infinite roadway of possibilities that lie ahead of us and we have the ability to choose for ourselves where we travel.

The nature (self) vs. nuture (environment), where people argue whether we're more affected [determined] by an innate self or our surroundings rages on. You may have heard someone say, "People can't change! Once a X always a X!" That may be true. There are certain qualities that have never changed about you and me for years and years.

On the other side of the coin, work from Rudy Tanzi (Harvard Medical School) and others are discovering that alterations are being made down to our DNA according to how we elect to live, study, eat, and exercise. Who is to say that these physiological transformations don't apply to the mental or spiritual aspects of being?

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One thing we can all agree on:

We may have a nature, but it is how we nuture ourselves that makes all the difference.

The self-discovery process (our growth) can feel like plateaus and valleys. There will days where you have a closed nurture mindset because it seems like everything in the world is against you. The car doesn't start on the day you missed your important deadline and by the way, your son fell and broke his arm. Next day, you've found the golden ticket from Wonka, won the lottery and your boss sent you a bonus check. No matter what may happen, the key is stay on the right side of things, believing in self-empowerment and our capacity to make correct decisions to influence our situation.

Spending time thinking deeply about the person you have been and the person you'd like to become is daunting. If you need a spark to get your thoughts moving in the right direction, consider the following:

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Let's pause.

I realize this is a lot. This is where things stand so far in this issue:

You wanted to get better. You're a faithful TAL subscriber. Cheers.

You know the highest aim of the book is to help you become a bigger, better version of yourself.

You have committed to memory figure 1. You are now attacking life.

You read the tale of Raphael. Cowabunga.

You did the personality activities and listed your 8 'core' characteristics.

You learned about defining moments. You probably already identified a few of your own.

You know that you have to nurture your nature.

You used ideas on the checklist to spark your journey of awareness.

You thought about your luces y defectos.

You dusted off an old journal and went down memory lane.

(end pause)


Onward to the action plan! Here you will create goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound. For example, you can't say, "I'd like to know myself better."

"I'm going to journal every night at 8 pm for 30 minutes, labeling my emotions around the events of the day so I can get to know myself better."

Now that's more like it. Hits the criteria. It's specific—this is the task. It's measurable—these are the constraints. It's attainable—I can do this. It's relevant—this is my situation. It's time-bound—I know long to do it.

It's time to write the first goals into your action plan. Make sure it meets the criteria.

For added support in accomplishing them, find an accountability partner. You give this person permission to talk to you about the execution of your goals. Ideally, this partner would also be someone who could give you honest feedback.

Goal 1:

Goal 2:

When it comes to your action plan, keep this in mind:

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The outcome of the loop is continual growth. If you do these steps and follow the criteria for your goals, you'll notice your progress accelerate.

You start with measure - Where am I at this very moment? What am I trying to get better at? What is the goal of this exercise? Is this thing realistic that I'm about to embark on? Do I really want to do this? Where's my level of commitment?

Then comes the do - the execution of your measurements. As the saying goes, it's not as simple as measuring twice and cutting once. You'll want to measure many times before you cut. It will save you a lot of heart ache, time and energy. So when you go to act, put your whole soul into it. Don't give weak effort. Follow through.

When the action is done, you will then reflect. How effective was X thing? Did I have my eyes on the right goal? No matter what, the process will churn out results it was designed to get. You can't have a delicious cup of chocolate milk from squeezing oranges. You'll get a very different product.

For better or worse, this leads right into correct. Maybe everything went off swimmingly. Maybe it tanked horrifically. Fix it. Course correct. Doing things the same way and getting the same (negative) result is by definition insanity. Don't live in insanity land.

Quiz Time

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Was it a complete perfecto wash? Or did you have a few scattered not me's? Safe to say that if you were more on the left side, there's some work to be done.

My hope is that you can take the results of your thinking in this issue and turn it into learning that is meaningful for you. lifestyle, career, personal growth, etc.

Change happens everywhere—lifestyle, career, personal growth, in the gym, etc.

And when positive change happens in one aspect of life, it maneuvers into another. Then another. Call it karma. Call it the universe responding to your good will. Call it a blessing from God.

Whatever you call it, it has happened too much in my life to deny its existence.

Realize that when you're more aware, more connected to the genius that lives in you, more observant of the energy you're bringing out to the world, amazing things start to happen.

It's a chain reaction. It's dominoes. Your energy is a magnet to positive change.

You start to think deeper about the type of person you are, the way you think about yourself, and the types of experiences you've had. You make a big push towards self-discovery.

During this, you evaluate the situations you find yourself in the day-to-day. You question your routines. Am I spending my time doing the things that make me feel alive? Things that align with the type of person I am?

How's my health? Do I care what happens to my body? My mind? Are there harmful practices that I need to cut out?

What about my job? Am I growing? Do I get a sense of satisfaction from spending more than 1/3 of my life with this company / organization?

What about my relationships? How do I treat my spouse? What about those kids? Do I have any friends in the neighborhood? Do I treat people with respect? Do the people I love the most truly know how much I care?


Next week on this authentic life, we're going to make a roadmap. ??



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