Issue #28
Sebastian Flock
Digitale Innovationen, profitable Gesch?ftsmodelle & neue Marktchancen. | Spezialgebiete: Handel, Mobilit?t, Telekommunikation & Automotive.
Hi! This is 'Super Diffusion' again…
My summer break is over and I'm diving back into the daily news stream for you. I hope you had a good regeneration and are back from your holidays full of energy and vigour. Here's to the second half of the year ...
And the second part of the year is no different: like it, share it & and make it come to life — Super Diffusion!
?? Good news: the electricity price drops
Bestselling author Anders Indset set warns of a surprising danger: electricity could soon be too cheap in Germany. In his article, he explains how falling energy prices could threaten innovation and economic stability. Indset calls for a radical rethink and emphasises that an abundance of cheap electricity could cause more damage in the long term than high prices. According to Indset, Germany must take countermeasures as quickly as possible.
?? Nigeria wins!
In his LinkedIn post, Stephan Hankammer emphasises the importance of Earth Overshoot Day and its impact on the Global South. He emphasises that the overuse of resources has drastic consequences, especially in poorer countries, even though they contribute less to global environmental pollution. Prof. Dr. Stephan Hankammer calls for a fairer use of resources and more global responsibility. If everyone were "Nigeria", the earth would be doing well again ...
?? The great shift ahead?
Could we have reached a significant turning point soon after all? Global CO? emissions could soon have peaked and start to fall. A historic turning point in the fight against climate change appears to be within reach. Experts believe that humanity is on the brink of an epochal change in which technological advances and a growing awareness of sustainability could drastically reduce emissions. This change could fundamentally alter the direction of global climate policy.
Read for yourself at Focus Online.
And now it‘s on you — make ?super diffusion‘ come to live! Share some links and/ or the whole issue. Make your friends become follower.
Digitale Innovationen, profitable Gesch?ftsmodelle & neue Marktchancen. | Spezialgebiete: Handel, Mobilit?t, Telekommunikation & Automotive.
7 个月… and this is the way to my Substack