Issue 27: Parenthood is not hard.

Issue 27: Parenthood is not hard.

I really don't understand why working parents complain. "iT's So HaRd tO bE a PaReNt." Um, are you sure?

Because not only am I thriving professionally, my skin is glowing, my house is spotless, I baked 4 fresh pies this weekend, and my kids are reading above their grade level. I slept 13 glorious hours last night, woke up early, kneaded my sourdough, and ran 17 miles. I respond to texts immediately, fold laundry on the same day it's washed, and find time to drink water. Parenthood is literally a walk in the park and couldn't be easier.

Happy April Fools Day ????

Dads need paternity leave

Our founder, Dirk Doebler , just returned from his second paternity leave. Spoiler alert: no new kids. Read about why he decided to redo his paternity leave and what he learned along the way.

A lot of discourse around parental leave centers on mothers and birthing parents - rightfully so! - but language and messaging often excludes dads and non-birthing parents. Not only do ALL parents need equitable access to leave, there are clear benefits for mothers when dads have access to, and take, paternity leave:

  • Every month a dad takes leave is linked to a 7% increase in moms earnings (This stat continues to shock us ??. Source: US JEC Report)
  • Fatherhood is not instinctual and dads need access to paternity leave to build the "father bond" and "train" their brain to be a dad (Source: Harvard Business Review )
  • Paternity leave allows a birthing parent to rest, to recover, and can lead to stronger emotional ties, and household income stability

Plus, dads take paternity leave at rates comparable to mothers. In fact, since 2018, paid paternity leave work absences have increased 183% (WSJ).

Best States for Work-life Balance

A new report analyzed by The Bump ranks every state based on their work-life balance. The winner? Massachusetts. Which is surprising as they scored only a 60/100, which is not even a passing score (do we still need a 65 to pass?!) and still leaves a wide berth for policy reformation and increased infrastructure.

Interestingly, 4 of 5 states in the top 5 has a state Paid Family Leave Program. Here are the top 5:

  1. Massachusetts
  2. Washington (state, not DC)
  3. California
  4. New York
  5. Alaska

How can small companies afford paid parental leave?

For small employers, offering paid parental leave seems, at first, impossible both financially and logistically. This article from BenefitsPRO lays out strategies for smaller employers (with under 99 full-time employees) to manage the cost and disruption of paid parental leave.

Below is a high-level summary but read the strategies for small employers here.

To manage the cost of paid parental leave: start small and scale ("Don't roll out 24 weeks at 10% pay overnight."); run a cost benefit analysis of existing employee offerings; compare utilization rates, cost, feedback, etc. and use existing programs, solutions (like Parento ) and infrastructure.

To manage the disruption: consider intermittent and staggered leaves; consider freelancers to back-fill / carry the load while an employee is out; communicate a lot and regularly; and be intentional with your on and off-ramp for employees.

Join us next Wednesday, April 10th with Boulo Solutions

Save your seat here!

Prepare for an engaging discussion on the advantages of parental leave and flexible work hours for both parents and businesses. We'll explore key topics, such as the misconceptions about parental leave policies, the significant benefits of hiring parents, and the transferable skills gained from parenthood.

Wednesday, April 10th at 1pm ET with guest speakers Delphine Carter and Abigail Kidd

RSVP here

Maternity leave in the EU

We came across this graphic, from the European Parliament's infographic on maternity and paternity leave, and were blown away! Here's what stood out:

  • Minimum and mandatory length of leave: 2 weeks is mandatory for all and 14 weeks is the minimum offered by any nation state
  • The widespread availability of prenatal leave, which leads to less c-sections and healthier deliveries. We were surprised to see 8 and 10 weeks prenatal options, perfect for the 8th and 9th months of pregnancy.
  • Frequency of 100% income replacement

What stands out to you? And how does your employer policy compare?

Missed our live?! Rewatch it here!

Last week we were joined by Cheyenne Varner from The Educated Birth over on Instagram as we broke down maternal health education. If you're a parent looking for a community, join us on Instagram (@parentoleave) for regular conversations, infographics, and helpful resources for working parents.

See you next week!




